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[LN] Koroshiya-san to Hajimeru Icha Love Shinkon Seikatsu - Volume 1 - Chapter 1 - Part 1

[LN] Koroshiya-san to Hajimeru Icha Love Shinkon Seikatsu - Volume 1 - Chapter 1 - Part 1


Chapter 1 - A Sweet and Dangerous First Night Spent with a Classmate who turns out to be a Murderer. (Part 1)

Part 1: Aim To Become A Civilian

「Hallo, Sophia-san」

 Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong

「……No response」

 The next morning, Naoto visits Sophia at her house.

 It's a 50 year old apartment, tucked away on the edge of a residential area in a neighboring town.

 It is a two-story building with six rooms, all one bedroom, and looks a bit rundown from the outside.

「But in a place like this, you can live off the beaten path, or so I think.」

 This is the perfect place to live and live here for an assassin.

 Besides, if it was here, I might be able to do things as Sophia asked, without worrying about the neighbors. ......

(......! I've also been thinking about something else: ......! This story is just a means to facilitate communication between me and Sophia-san. ......!)

 Naoto shook his head and pressed the bell button again, but there was no answer.

 I reached for the doorknob and found it unlocked.

(You mean you want me to trespass? But, assassin, no, entering a girl's house without that permission……)

 This house belongs to Sophia, who is an assassin. It is not surprising that a trap will be set.

 Naoto boldly turned the doorknob and opened the door.


「I've been waiting for you, Naoto.」

 Sophia was there, right at the door, wearing the same high school uniform as yesterday.

 His expression was the same as yesterday.

「I was wondering since you were inside, why was there no response when I was about to enter while pressing the bell many times」

「What? ……No, usually when you ring the bell, the person who lives there opens the door. Otherwise, you are dishonest.」

「Yes. I don't know. Anyway, I want you to come inside」


 I took off my shoes and was about to head back…… Suddenly, Sophia collapsed from her knees.

「……Ah! Sophia-san.……!?」

 In a panic, I hugged Sophia. His face was pale and wet with sweat.

「Sophia-san, are you alright……! Don't tell me you still have this last poison ......!……!?」

「No, no, no. .......It's more like, you know, my body can't withstand the excessive weight....」

「Are you tired?」

「Today, Naoto is coming to my house, and I have turned off all the sensors and traps that I have installed on the front door.……」

「Eeeeeee! (I know that it exists!)」

「However, this is the first time I've let a stranger into my house under such circumstances, and I'm considering the possibility that someone ...... who has been on the path of war until now, can enter if pretending to be Naoto.……」

「Oh no, that's not Lupine●sei!!」

「Rest assured. I have turned off the sensors and traps at the front door, but there are pistols and other firearms hidden here and there in this house. If an attack comes suddenly, I will protect Naoto with this……」

「I don't feel safe then! If you are caught, you will go to jail for violating the Firearms and Swords Possession Control Act.!」

「Incidentally, I have explosives under the floor to blow up the entire building in the worst case scenario.」

「If you're a bad person, the owner will be a villain, so don't do that!」

 Naoto had a hunch that Sophia might have a steeper road ahead of her than he imagined for her to live the life of an ordinary citizen with him........ Naoto had that kind of feeling.

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