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[LN] Mamatomo ke Sodateru Rabukome - Volume 1 - Chapter 3

[LN] Mamatomo ke Sodateru Rabukome - Volume 1 - Chapter 3


Chapter 3 - How Fun It Is To Drop Off And Pick Up Your Little Sister At School

Today, Monday, was my little sister's first day of school.

Since we left home at my school's start time, we arrived earlier than the other kids. However, there's nothing to worry about because the kindergarten my sister attends is also equipped with childcare facilities. Moreover, the rates are quite affordable.

Right after arriving at the kindergarten, Soyoka ran straight to the teacher with excitement without even looking at me. It was good, but somehow I felt a bit lonely.

Shouldn't you be more nervous on your first day of school...?

After kindergarten, I rode my bike to school and parked it in the school's bicycle parking lot.

The sound of the baseball club's morning practice echoed in the morning.

The school I attended was an ordinary high school. If I'm not mistaken, the grade deviation is in the middle, right?

Most junior high school graduates around here basically prefer to take the public high school exam or choose the best private high school just in case. But unlike them, I chose a high school that suited my academic abilities.

Well, even though my grades weren't good enough, at least I always worked hard to drop off and pick up Soyoka.

The school I attended was an ordinary high school that took learning and club activities seriously.

Well, since I don't want a special high school life, so living it mediocre is enough for me. Let's enjoy a peaceful day today while thinking about Soyoka.

After that, I started walking with the bag on my shoulder while stalling.

Then, I met a familiar face, namely, Akiyama Sumi, whom I met at the kindergarten entrance ceremony.

"Ah, hello, Akiyama-san!"

I called out to her while waving my hand.

Until last week, I never thought of talking to Akiyama, Takane no hana. But this time, we're not strangers anymore, because from now on, she'll probably be able to help me and Soyoka, so let's start being good friends with her.


She returned my greeting while approaching me

After looking around slowly, Akiyama narrowed his eyes in annoyance. Then, he pulled my sleeve and led me away.

"Come here for a moment."

"Eh? What?"

I asked while confused, but Akiyama wouldn't stop.

We exited the bicycle parking lot where many students had begun to arrive and started walking in the opposite direction towards the entrance.

She took me to the back of the warehouse used by the janitors.

"What's wrong?"

"Shh, be quiet."

Akiyama placed her index finger on my mouth and said sharply. Driven by that momentum, I could only lean against the wall.

By the way, the Akiyama I saw this time was very different from what I saw during the kindergarten entrance ceremony.

I don't know if it's an illusion or a delusion due to my admiration for the beautiful girl in the class, but her eyes are currently below freezing right now, it's such that I can't trust my own memories. She could probably kill someone with just her gaze alone. Her eyes are definitely not the same as what I saw during the kindergarten entrance ceremony.

"Please keep it a secret about what happened in kindergarten."

The words that came out of her were supporting my memory of Saturday.

Looking closely, I once again felt her unreal beauty. A soft, sweet scent tickled my nasal cavity.

"Eh? But why?"

"I don't want people to know much about me."

"You mean about your little brother?"

"....After all, we're just classmates, so don't try to get involved with me like before."

"Just classmates..."

My words trailed off. His cold gaze pierced me.

"If this gets out... you know the consequences, right?"

"I don't know... but I understand. I promised not to leak it, is that enough?"


Akiyama turned and left without saying anything more as if his business with me was over.

I was quite active in spreading the facts about my little sister's existence, so I don't know what her reason was for hiding it. But well, we're not supposed to talk about our families at school, right? Even close friends usually don't know about your family structure, so I can't say that she was wrong.

After gently brushing off the dust behind my back, I walked out of the warehouse.

Akiyama was no longer there. Instead, it was Mizuki, the one with the handsome face, who walked towards me. He was coming from the direction of the tennis court.

"Hey, Kyota! Did something interesting happen?"

"Mizuki? Did you hear what we were talking about?"

"No, no. I only saw Akiyama-chan come out from a distance. After that, I said to myself, "OMG!" Ah, could it be that it's a difficult story to talk about?"

Mizuki wiped the sweat from her forehead with the towel hanging around her neck.

If it was done by an ordinary man, then it would look hot and stuffy. But if it was done by this man, it would look beautiful and refreshing.

Judging by the smell of his uniform and the antiperspirant he's wearing, did he just finish his tennis club morning practice?

The two of us then entered the school building together, changed our shoes, and went up the stairs since the second-year class was on the second floor.

"....We only talked for a short while."

"Hmm, but you know what? You talked to Akiyama-chan, after all."

Mizuki smiled meaningfully. Yes, I can understand that talking to Akiyama normally is a special thing. But no, he's not what everyone thinks, he's just an idiot older sister! But I won't tell her because I've been told to keep my mouth shut.

"Let me guess, you must have confessed to her and gotten a rejection, right?"

"Huh? Why do you think that I got rejected?"

"Do you know how many men have confessed to Akiyama-chan and been rejected by her?"

I couldn't believe that such a thing had happened. It felt so horrible to imagine being rejected by her with that disdainful look.

"No, no. There is only one Soyoka in my heart."

"That's too bad. I thought you were getting attracted to girls."

"I'm only interested in Soyoka! Today is her kindergarten debut, you know! Here, look at her picture."

"Here we go again..."

Even though she said that, Mizuki always listened to me bragging about my little sister.

Wait, could this guy be... after Soyoka?! So that's the reason why she still doesn't have a boyfriend... I won't forgive you, Mizuki!

"For some reason, I feel like you're imagining things."

"It's not like that. By the way, Soyoka shouldn't like a handsome guy with a bad personality like you."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

I'm going to keep a close eye on Soyoka before being pounced on by her!

"Don't you want to find a boyfriend or something?"

"Because I've decided to spend all my time after school and my body and soul only on Soyoka, so it'll be hard for me to find one unless she's as much of a child-lover as I am."

"You sound like a one-child widower."

That was a strange thing to hear from her. While walking down the hallway, we continued our conversation.

"But even so, Akiyama-chan is quite suitable, isn't she?"

"I didn't expect that Mizuki would say such a thing to that girl."

"That's because whenever I talked to her, she would respond coldly. There's no other girl like her, so it's quite exciting and fun."

This guy... come to think of it, he was a guy who never had trouble dealing with girls. Perhaps it was because he was always approached by girls, so he preferred a partner who was not easy to conquer.

Lately, he had been making jokes about the young teacher who had just become his homeroom teacher.

"Will she be cold today too?"

"I'm surprised that you have such a hobby."

"You'll understand when you see her face."

Arriving in class, I saw Akiyama who was sitting by the window.

Akiyama's figure at school was perfect. Her beauty and excellence remained the same no matter which angle you looked at her from.

Mizuki immediately spoke to her happily and was met with a cold response. Ugh, she looks shocked by it.

"Well, today's HR will be used to decide who will be in charge of each committee~" said a woman who came along with the entrance bell.

The moment she stood at the class podium, the class atmosphere immediately calmed down. She was our homeroom teacher, Kijimura Tamaki-sensei. Upon seeing her, Mizuki's face instantly turned into a smile.

"Kiji-chan, you look pretty too today! Did you just cut your bangs?"

"Uh, how do you know that, Amayo-kun?"

"It's because I'm always watching you, Kiji-chan."

"I'll say it one more time, don't tease your teacher, okay?"

Kijimura-sensei said that while smoothing her bangs with her fingertips. I don't know where the difference is at all. Normally, if Mizuki made a statement praising a certain woman, then the rows of female students would be furious, but that wasn't the case with Kiji-chan, who was favored by all the students.

Well, she was in her late 20s, so she wasn't too old. And she was also someone Mizuki could easily flirt with without any hesitation.

But, no one thought that Mizuki was actually serious, so when he opened his sweet mouth, it was well received by the girls.

"Well, then, as a punishment for teasing your teacher, Amayo-kun, you will continue!"

I thought it was a good idea that the task was left to Mizuki, because it was too much trouble.

"Your angry expression is cute too, Sensei."

"Fufu, I knew it."

"Then, I'll do my best since cute Sensei has asked me to do so."

While standing at the podium, Mizuki took chalk and wrote the list of committees on the blackboard in order.

"Is there anyone willing to do it? If possible, I want this to be decided as soon as possible."

I had no intention of being part of the committee. In the morning and after school, I had to drop off and pick up Soyoka so I couldn't do any unnecessary activities.

My time is dedicated only to Soyoka!

Mizuki must have known that, so he wouldn't have told me to do it. The other students also seemed to have forgotten my presence as they usually did.

With several people running for office, the determination of the committee went smoothly, and Mizuki wrote their names on the blackboard.

There were actually many reasons why they wanted to join the committee, and I was happy to see that my classmates were motivated to do so. Maybe it's because they want to get a comfortable task before they're forced to do a task they don't like.

"Heh? So it goes more smoothly if Amayo-kun does it instead of me, huh?"

The teacher who was leaning on the window and watching casually, was now starting to feel uneasy. It was because Mizuki had leadership and popularity, so everyone was willing to cooperate with her.

In the end, only the Class President column remained vacant. The Class President and Vice Class President positions each needed one person.

When compared to class committees or festival committees that have hundreds of tasks, the Class Rep position is arguably less popular.

Somehow I was afraid that I would be appointed.

"Well then, next up is Class President, so..."

Mizuki stared at the class with a look full of difficulty. In front of her, there was an atmosphere that seemed to want to push someone to do it. Everyone looked like they wanted to avoid her.

If it continues like this, then the child who has low self-confidence will be pointed out with the excuse that she is "too serious." It's been like that since I was in middle school.

I don't like this situation, but... I don't want to do it either, so I can only stand by and observe.

However, contrary to my expectations, the position of Class President had already been decided. That's because Akiyama nominated himself with his arms outstretched.

"Oh, Akiyama-chan, do you want to do it?"

"Yes, I'll do it."

"Good, thank you. Then, the class president is Akiyama-chan."

The class suddenly became lively as she, who usually didn't show aggressive behavior, suddenly ran for Class President. However, I felt astonished for a different reason.

Was it okay for her to be Class President when she had to drop off and pick up her sister?

No, just because I'm busy doesn't mean Akiyama is too, right? Maybe it's just a coincidence that she's the one dropping her off during the kindergarten entrance ceremony and later it's her parents' turn to drop off and pick up her little brother on weekdays or they could use the school bus.

She has very good grades and is also very popular, so I don't mind. But, her leadership is still questionable as she doesn't really engage with others.

"In that case, the Vice Class President is..."

"I think Amayo-kun is more suitable to be Class President since you're more popular than me."

Like a little sulking, Kijimura-sensei said so. I think that's the reason why he looked a bit uncomfortable earlier.

I thought it was quite reasonable. Mizuki has popularity and leadership, so no one will oppose her. If Akiyama doesn't raise his hand, then Mizuki will be the Class President.

"It's Kiji-chan's request, so what can I do. After all, if I become Class Rep, won't I become even closer to Sensei? Wait, could that really be your plan, Sensei?!"

"Of course not! Kids, who wants to be---!"

"Hehe, unfortunately it's already been decided."

Mizuki grinned and wrote her own name in the last column.

Looks like she really likes Kijimura-sensei. I'm sure the girls would want to vie to be his representative, but unfortunately, it's already decided to be Akiyama's.

"Greetings, Akiyama-chan."

"Yes, greetings."

"It's nice to be Class President with you. Last year we were in different classes, but I've always been interested in you."

"Yes, but in particular I'm no different from anyone else."

Although Akiyama responded coldly, but somehow he seemed happy.

Smiling, she looked at the class and declared the end of the committee member selection.

When a satisfied-looking Kijimura-sensei walked out, the students immediately became excited. Amidst the noise, what entered my ears was the contrasting impressions of the male and female sides.

"Isn't that kid very disrespectful?"

"I can't believe he stayed cold towards Mizuki!"

"As expected of Akiyama-san! She didn't lose her cool when dealing with Mizuki?"

After that, I attended today's class while looking through Soyoka's photos to recharge my energy.

After HR is over, we go home, and the students break up into groups of three or five. Half of them go to club activities and the other half go straight home.

I myself went straight home to pick up Soyoka. It's nice to be able to drop off and pick up my little sister every day from now on.

Riding an old-fashioned bicycle with a child seat, I rushed to my sister's kindergarten.

"Wait for me, Soyoka!"

I tried to drive safely while suppressing these overwhelming feelings.

In principle, riding a bicycle should be on the left side, and as a good brother, I should obey the traffic rules. I also had to pay attention to the speed and the pedestrians and cars passing by. I'm afraid that it'll become a habit if I'm reckless just because I'm alone now. If I get into an accident while riding Soyoka, then it'll be a big problem.

Since the way to the kindergarten was opposite to the direction of the station, there weren't many schoolmates traveling the same way.

It was a good thing that the road wasn't too congested today.


I pedaling with all my might while paying attention to my own safety.

Wouldn't this speed allow me to participate in the Tour de France in Machali when I graduate?

The feeling of wanting to meet my sister is making me very excited right now.

However, something that crushed my enthusiasm came from behind.

"Impossible! Are you trying to overtake me?!"

"Can you stop making noise on the road? I feel embarrassed just for being in the same school as you."

"What's wrong with you?! How come you're making a fuss?!"

It was Akiyama who appeared with a cold expression on her face.

She was wearing a short knee-length skirt that fluttered in the air in the wind.

I didn't think it was suitable for cycling. But strangely, her thighs were not visible. No, wait, I'm not trying to peek at her, really.

"How great of you to catch up with me... Oh, hey!"

Akiyama looked graceful even while riding a bicycle. Her feet on the pedals also looked relaxed and contained no force. However, she suddenly increased her speed and jumped in front of me.

She's also using a girlie bike just like me, but there's a part that's very different from mine

"Electric! ....! So you're using an electric bike!"

"Oh, so what? I don't want to be like you who pedals so hard that you sweat even though it's still early spring."

"Are you mocking me?!"

Smiling triumphantly, Akiyama quickened his pace.

An electric bicycle. It was a high-end vehicle capable of speeding up without much effort by using electric power assistance.

It was an instrument of civilization capable of gliding swiftly even on inclines with just a slight pull of the gas.

"That's totally against the rules!"

Dropping off and picking up children is a tradition, and to complete that tradition, we must use an emak-emak bicycle with a special child seat without any technological assistance!

For the sake of moms across the country and for the sake of my little sister who was waiting to be picked up, I couldn't lose to her!

I lifted my hips and pedaled as hard as I could. When we entered the residential area close to my little sister's kindergarten, I managed to line up next to her.

"Do you intend to ride with your little sister in such a rough driving manner?"

"Of course! It's because Soyoka likes it!"

Going downhill and uphill was so much fun, it was like riding a roller coaster. When she grows up, I'll take her to an amusement park in Yamanashi that's famous for its machines.

When I peeked from the side, Akiyama looked a little pleased.

I couldn't actually read her facial expressions as usual, but she seemed to be fine or in a good mood.


"No, I think your current atmosphere is very different from the one at school. Is this the real you?"

"No, it's the same."

No, it's completely different... but well, at least I know that Akiyama is the type of person who is easy to talk to. If this was at school, she would definitely ignore me. I've never seen her talk happily like this before.

"Does Akiyama want to pick up little brother too?"

"Yes. My mom is at work, so I was told to drop her off and pick her up."

"I see."

Looking at Akiyama, I could understand why she was in a good mood.

"I know how you feel. I also think that dropping off and picking up little brother every day is a great thing! It makes you excited, doesn't it?"

"Not really."

"Come on, there's no need to feel embarrassed, you looked so cheerful during the kindergarten entrance ceremony yesterday, you know?"

"Ah, that! I-It was because of Iku..."

As if embarrassed, Akiyama turned her face away from me. The change of expression on her face was still as rare as ever, but her emotions were much richer than before.

Well, you really like your sister, don't you? I understand how that feels. I'm glad that you're like me because none of my other friends have younger siblings with such a long age range.

"I hope you're cheerful at school too, just like when you're with Iku."

In my opinion, the gentle atmosphere he showed in front of Iku would make him much more popular than the cold atmosphere she showed to others. Although she's still popular, anyway.

"Well, I'll teach you how to feel cheerful when you're not with your little brother. First, open the gallery on your phone. Then, look through the photos of your little brother!"

The smile of an angel will definitely be able to take away all your tiredness! You'll receive side effects if you don't open it every free moment! If Akiyama wants, I can teach her how to open her phone secretly in class.

For Akiyama, it's Ik's photo that will play the role.

"No, thank you. As I said this morning, I don't want people at school to know about Iku."

"Really? I want everyone to know about my little sister instead."

Even I think the whole of Japan should know how cute Soyoka is. If she becomes a child actress, I think she will become very famous.

No, if she did that, she would spend less time with me, so I refused.

"I'll be in trouble if something happens to Iku because of me."

"I think... everything will be fine."

"No, it's because I'm not well-liked at school..."

She said it in a voice so small that it was almost swept away by the sound of the chain turning.

Akiyama is very popular among boys as a beautiful introverted girl and is also considered a cool girl by girls. Therefore, there was no reason for her to be disliked.

However, some among them... although only a small portion, there is also a group of girls who view Akiyama as her archenemy. Even in today's determination of committee members, I heard voices saying bad things about her.

Is there really a possibility that Iku will be targeted by them?

I can't say no. But, what would I do if there were any malicious intentions that might be directed at Soyoka?

Of course I would try to avoid it, just like Akiyama did. Therefore, I cannot say that her concerns are unfounded. Besides, I really like the way she thinks of her little sister's safety.

After that, without any more conversation, I sped to the kindergarten vertically. I was sweating just from chasing after Akiyama.

The speed of the electric bike is too fast, right?

Then, we arrived at the kindergarten and parked our bikes.

"Wait. But, that doesn't explain why you act so cold in class, does it? And I don't understand why you want to be class president."

When I asked suddenly, Akiyama locked her bike and looked at me.

"Because it makes me cooler."


"I aim to be a cool and beautiful older sister, so Iku can brag about me to his friends."

"Oh, I see, well..."

This guy... he's an idiot big brother, isn't he? And don't call yourself a pretty girl!

The image of Aikayama in my mind immediately collapsed with a loud bang. Who was it that said she was talented? And why was he so sad that his sister was involved?

Then, I decided to pick up Soyoka who was drawing in class and take her straight home.

The face of Akiyama who was pulling Iku's arm beside him looked relaxed, and so far, it seemed that his plan to be a cool older sister would have difficulties.

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