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[LN] Saenai Boku ga Kimi no Heya - Volume 1 - Chapter 2

[LN] Saenai Boku ga Kimi no Heya - Volume 1 - Chapter 2


Chapter 2 - Uehara Marika Wants to Have a Good Relationship

[POV Uehara Marika]

There was a classmate named Touyama Yuki in my class.

Touyama always read books leisurely, and he looked ordinary, a boy known as the horny type.

I was very concerned about this unremarkable male student at first glance.

Most of the boys in the class, especially the ones close to me, were always talking and staring at my breasts. The content of what was said was just to attract attention and pretend to show off, there was no substance to it.

If I refused another boy's confession, they would casually say nasty things about that person being overconfident and not a good match. Just as naive as elementary or middle school students.

Although I wanted to have a good relationship with the girls in the same small circle, honestly, I had no interest in the boys in that circle.

But, Touyama was very different. Among the many boys who looked at me, he was the only boy who showed no interest at all as if he didn't know me, and just read a book calmly and casually.

Last night, I met Touyama who was so far away by chance on the street.

I saw Touyama who was buying condoms in front of a vending machine. But she didn't panic at all, and she spoke to me as if nothing had happened.

To be honest, when I saw Touyama buying condoms, I felt a little depressed, it's a secret.

But, I was relieved after hearing that the condom Touyama bought was going to be used by Touyama's older brother. This also surprised even me.

Touyama, who exuded a calm and mature aura from beginning to end, was the kind of boy I had never seen before.

So, I wanted to know more about Touyama, finally, I went to school early in the morning to greet him once. But his salt correspondence really made me a little disappointed.

Kurashima Kazuto is a handsome male student who is very popular with girls, but he looks down on others, and this morning he went to insinuate Touyama. But Touyama just said that he didn't care, and let the matter pass. Her calm demeanor struck me as handsome.

It makes me realize that as long as you have the right character, no matter how good or bad you are, you are handsome.

What kind of books does he read? What was he like?

In this way, I became interested in Touyama and wanted to have a good relationship with him.

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———Scene Change———

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「Yuki, let's have lunch together.」

Chihiro Okita, who was sitting in front of Touyama, turned around and spread the bento box on the table in front of Touyama who was behind her.

Chihiro was one of the few friends in Touyama. She had a gentle personality and was very good at dealing with people. No matter who you were, she could be your friend.

She was the opposite of Toyama.

Moreover, she was petite, and her facial features were as delicate as a girl's. If she wasn't wearing a boy's uniform, she would be perceived as a girl with short hair.

So she is very popular among both boys and girls.

「Chihiro also brought a bento today. Is that enough to eat?」

In the urinal box that girls use when they lose weight, there were only about two mouthfuls of food.

「This is more than enough for me. By the way, Yuki, did you just eat two buns?"

「I just ate onigiri, if I eat too much, I'll feel sleepy in the afternoon.」

Toyama, who ate quickly in her free time, frankly said that these 2 buns were enough.

「If you don't eat more, you won't grow up lo?」

「I don't want to be told like that by Chihiro.」

Touyama felt very persuasive when Chihiro said that because of her petite size and small appetite.

Chihiro's concern is like someone who has a boyfriend.

Could it be Chihiro's feminine appearance that made Touyama think this way?

Do you feel like this when you have a girlfriend?

Although Touyama had friends in benefits (Sex Friends), Touyama never had a girlfriend. And Takai never did anything like a girlfriend. So in conclusion, Touyama is an unwanted dark corner.

「Although I also want to grow a little bigger, but my stomach capacity is small, so this is enough.」

「Hey Chihiro, you're actually a girl, right?」

「Yuki you're too much. Even I'm worried about that too.」

Chihiro, who puffed up her cheeks with a pout-so cute, that people would wonder if she was a real boy or not.

「If Chihiro is my girlfriend...."

「Yu-Yuki! You, what are you talking about! I, both of us are men you know...."

「Just kidding. I don't know about that either, don't worry. At least I'm normal.」

「Really... really don't do that. It's bad for my heart.」

Chihiro's embarrassed cheeks reddened slightly.

「Compared to this, Yuki hardly talked to Uehara-san this morning.」

Perhaps due to feeling embarrassed, Chihiro changed the subject.

「Ahhh... It's probably because I happened to meet her on the street last night, right? I don't have a very good relationship with her. Besides, I don't want to have a good relationship with the people in that circle.」

Saying that, Touyama looked at the small circle where Uehara and Kurashima were. Uehara, who met Toyama's gaze, waved softly in front of her plump breasts.

「It feels like Uehara-san is always waving at Yuki.」

Toyama chose to ignore it and looked away from Uehara's small circle. It'll be troublesome if I get entangled with Kurashima again.

「Yuki, is this possible? ignore what.」

「It's okay. I don't want to get too involved with them.」

「......However, the other party doesn't seem to think so.」


Touyama didn't understand what Chihiro was talking about for a moment.

「Hey, I'm greeting you! Why are you ignoring me?!」

Uehara broke away from the small circle and came towards Touyama.

「Ahh... sorry. Seeing you chatting so happily, I thought about not bothering you.」

I couldn't outright say in front of myself that I didn't want to get Touyama into trouble, so I had to choose appropriately.

「Compared to this... you guys look like a couple. From a distance it looks like you're making out."

Uehara looked back at Touyama and Chihiro, and said surprising words.

「Eh!? We are all men. How can it look like that? ......」

Although Chihiro seemed a little shaken, her faint expression seemed for Touyama to be happy.

「Because Okita-san's woman power is higher than those girls over there. Touyama also thinks so, right?」

Uehara said something terrible.

「No, no, don't do that. No matter how similar Chihiro is as a girl, it's not a good joke.」

Uehara's face showed a mischievous "hee hee" smile, it seemed like Uehara was really teasing the two of them.


Touyama once again sensed where the scene came from, he did not turn his head, but Touyama used his eyes to find the owner of the scene.

It seemed to be Takai... The other one was Kurajima, who frowned and looked at him. He probably didn't want Uehara to come towards Touyama.

Since the encounter with Uehara last night, there had been a crossroads, and the luck had really ended. Touyama couldn't help but sigh.

And then Takai... always showed an indifferent attitude towards Touyama in the classroom. But today, I looked at him as if I noticed Touyama from afar. Is it because of Uehara who is now involved to Touyama?

Although Touyama was familiar with Takai, Touyama actually didn't really know what he was thinking. Then the bell rang for afternoon class.

「Lunch break is almost over, I'm going to the restroom.」

Saying so, Touyama forcefully interrupted the conversation with Uehara. If he continued like this, Touyama would be in trouble if he became Kurashima's target.

Next time, ask Takai directly what he cares about.

Touyama muttered to himself as he walked to the restroom.

◇ ◇ ◇

———Scene Change———

◇ ◇ ◇

As a member of the library committee, Touyama is in charge of receiving book loans and returns at the front desk of the library after school.

After the course, the borrowed and returned books would be collected at once. In the temporarily quiet library, Touyama put the book back on the shelf alone.

As she worked silently, the library door creaked open. Touyama noticed the female student who entered.

Medium-length black hair, thick-rimmed glasses, slender body and smooth chest. Touyama even knew where the dark mole hidden by this rural schoolgirl was at first glance. And she was also quite beautiful without makeup.

「I'm here to return this book, please.」

The school girl who was returning the book was Touyama's friend, Takai.

Touyama quietly took the book and returned it.


Takai seemed to have something he wanted to ask Touyama, and asked with a little fear.


「Forget it.」

Takai made a thinking expression for a moment, but soon returned to his usual poker face. After interrupting the conversation with Touyama, he went to the bookshelf to look for books.

Although Touyama also wanted to talk to Takai, he still chose to prioritize the library committee work and concentrate on handling books.

Inside the library with only Toyama and Takai, there was a quiet and relaxing time.

Takai seemed to have found a book that was dear to him and sat down on his chair to start reading.

Touyama continued to work silently, and eventually returned all the returned books to the bookshelves.

Touyama, who had been paying close attention to Takai's vision in the morning and during his lunch break, wanted to ask questions no matter what, and was ready to talk to him.


「I found Touyama!」

Before Touyama could speak, the library door suddenly opened, and the person who rushed in blocked his movement.

Without reading the air, it was a familiar character who entered the library noisily. Touyama only recognized one girl who wore a uniform but exposed her chest, her plump breasts squeezed the cleavage, and her hair was brightly painted and curled.

「 Uehara-san, in the library please be quiet!」

「Ah, sorry...but no one's there, right? Isn't that okay? I'm just making a little noise."

Uehara didn't seem to look at Takai. Toyama pointed to where Takai was sitting.

「Is Takai-san there? I'm sorry to disturb you. But I didn't feel your breath at all.」

Even in the classroom, Takai's atmosphere and appearance were weak. Perhaps it was because he was concentrating on reading right now, and he felt his existence was thinner than usual.

Takai glanced at Uehara wordlessly, and his eyes immediately returned to the book.

「Ah, did I make Takai-san unhappy...? I'm sorry if I made you angry. I'm not bad...."

Takai was usually like that. Uehara, who didn't know this, probably thought the expressionless Takai was angry.

Perhaps because of the small circle we used to gather together, Uehara seemed to be somewhat unable to read the atmosphere on this occasion. But judging from his self-reflection and apology, he shouldn't be a bad person.

Touyama looked at Uehara who was confused and thinking.

「It's okay, I don't care about that」

Takai's reply was very cold.

「That's good... Takai-san is always reading in class. What kind of book are you reading? Can you tell me if you can?」

Perhaps Uehara was a little interested in books, so she asked Takai for a recommendation. But the book Takai was reading should be quite difficult for Uehara to understand. Takai prefers pure literary works. He also recommended Touyama, but the content of the art book was too high so I didn't really understand it.

「Uehara-san, private conversations are strictly forbidden in the library. Please don't disturb other people's reading."

Touyama said something like the library committee said, and reached out to help Takai. As this continues, we can only see the future when Uehara speaks unilaterally to Takai.

「Sorry for interrupting your reading. Tell me next time in class. 」

Uehara, who unilaterally interrupted his conversation without hearing Takai's reply, ran towards Touyama at the front desk.

「Hey, talking about books with Touyama, a library committee member, isn't a private conversation, right? Tell me about the recommendation I said this morning.」

Indeed, if you're chatting with the library committee in charge of management, it shouldn't be considered a private conversation. Chief Uehara suddenly became flexible.

「Well, it may not count, but is it okay to put Kurashima and the others aside? I really hope he doesn't bother me anymore.」

「The people who said that have left before, so it doesn't matter.」

「It's not so bad.」

「I'm sorry that you got entangled with those people Touyama. And people like him aren't bad. He's just a little selfish。」

If she wasn't evil, it would be more uncomfortable.

「It's not Uehara-san's fault, so you don't need to apologize. Kurashima-kun seems to like Uehara-san, so is it natural that he's jealous? Or should I say monopolizing?」

「Hmm... I guess, that's wrong, because Kazuto is very popular... But sometimes I also feel that he's annoying."

If that's the case, wouldn't it be better not to be in the same circle together? Although Touyama thought so, but once a small circle is formed, it shouldn't be easy to say separate actions, right?

This is really quite troublesome, even if it's someone else's business, I feel a little sorry for Uehara.

「So far, Touyama has been very calm, and gentle, which I think is good...."

Uehara lowered his head and looked at Touyama behind the front desk. His expression turned slightly red, probably from the sunset light coming in from the window.

「I want to borrow this book.」

Touyama and Uehara looked at each other for a few seconds. With a "clack" sound of a chair, Takai stood up and walked to the front desk. His words brought them back to their senses.

Toyama felt that Takai's words were not emotionless as usual, but contained anger.

「The due date is two weeks.」

「Thank you.」

Even if the other party was Takai, Touyama would face him with a businesslike attitude. It didn't matter if there were other people in the library.

Takai, who took the book, left the library unceremoniously.

「Takai-san seems to be in a bad mood... Is it my fault?」

Touyama felt Takai's attitude that seemed to be angry, and Uehara should have felt the same.

「No... Takai-san usually does feel like that in the library, so I don't think you need to worry about it."

「Is that so... Does Takai-san come to the library often?」

「So much so, that you could call Takai-san a regular customer.」

「Does Touyama often talk to Takai-san?」

Uehara seemed to be very concerned about Takai and asked Touyama a lot of questions.

「After all, we both love reading books, so we often exchange ideas.」

「That's right...I've never seen you two talking in class, so apparently the relationship between you two is very good. Did that angry feeling just now bother her?"

Touyama didn't quite understand the meaning of Uehara's words.

No one knows the relationship between Touyama and Takai, so there shouldn't be any interruptions, right? Could it be that Uehara doubted their relationship? Touyama guessed so.

「Is Uehara-san thinking of something strange? I'm not dating Takai.」

「so... that's really good...."

Uehara put his hand on his chest with a reassuring expression.

What's going on? Today's Uehara was a little strange.

Just when Touyama thought so, the cell phone placed under the front desk rang.

Gosh, I forgot to set the vibrate mode!

「Sorry, Uehara-san, I'll go and set the vibrate mode on my cell phone.」

Having said that, Touyama took out his cell phone and opened his cell phone screen to confirm.

A message from Takai was displayed on the phone screen, and Toyama hurriedly looked at the contents.

Looking at the message displayed above, Touyama could not hide his surprise. To wonder why, because it was the message that made Touyama ask "why was it sent at a time like this?".

『Let's get fucked today. Come to my house after school.』

The message was very surprising because it was sent at a time like this, 『Let's get fucked』 such an immediate expression. Even Touyama himself was surprised.

「Hug, sorry, the library will be closing soon, let's talk about books next time.」

Because of that message, Touyama felt a little embarrassed to talk to Uehara now, so he decided to drop the subject.

「Is there something that has happened? Look at the way you're surprised by your cell phone.」

Perhaps because Touyama read the sex invitation message in front of Uehara, Touyama's face was now in shock.

「No, no, there's nothing.」

Touyama was sure that Takai must have deliberately chosen a time like this to send a direct message like "Fuck".

Uehara or Takai, Touyama did not understand what the two of them were doing today.

「Seeing that you seem to be very busy, I'm too embarrassed to keep investigating you, I'll come again next time. 」

Saying so, Uehara left the library.

By the way, I'll be alone with Takai today, so I'll ask him for this information later.

Seeing Uehara's back walking out of the library, Touyama's eyes returned to the message from Takai.

Touyama, who had finished his work as a library committee member, came straight from school to Takai's house.

Touyama, who was standing in front of the entrance, wanted to reach out and ring the doorbell. At this moment, the electric light behind the door suddenly turned on, and a shadowy figure was reflected in the frosted glass.

With a single "click", Touyama took a step back along with the sound of the lock opening. I thought it was Takai who would come out, but I didn't expect the figure that showed his face from the other side of the door to be different from what Touyama expected.

「Ah, are you Yumi's friend?」

A beautiful woman in her thirties, with delicate makeup and fashionable clothes, walked out from the entrance while exuding the scent of perfume.

「Ah, yes... is there Takai-san? I'm Touyama, her classmate."

「Ara~ are you Yumi's boyfriend? It seems like that kid can't be underestimated.」

Touyama was worried whether to confirm or deny that Touyama was called Takai's girlfriend.

「I'll call him, you wait here first.」

The woman returned inside the house without asking much about my relationship with Takai.

Since Takai said that his brother was a student, it was probably his mother. It was almost night, but she didn't seem too surprised that a man came to look for her daughter at a time like this.

After a while, the woman who was supposed to be Takai's mother returned to the entrance.

「Did you call Touyama-kun here? I'll be down soon, tell him to come in and wait in the living room.」

「Okay. I understand.」

「Then I'll go out, I'll ask you. Ah, do you need to use a condom? 」


What Touyama is going to do here seems to have been revealed. After all, I wouldn't think of him as my sex buddy.

The woman who left the word blast, who should be Takai's mother, left Touyama in front of the entrance and left quickly.

But then again... what happened to Takai's mom coming home on the premise that Touyama would fuck her own daughter when she met a strange man for the first time? Does that mean Ms. Takai already understands, or does she not care? Touyama was confused and didn't know how to judge her.

「Well, after all this, I was told that I can go inside, in short, I will go inside the house. Excuse me」

Touyama, who knew the layout of the Takai family home well, walked into the living room without hesitation.

In the living room, Takai, wearing his casual clothes, was sitting on the sofa.

「Well, I didn't hear your mother was home.」

「I don't know either, I didn't expect her to be home. I don't know exactly what that person is doing."

「In addition, it seems that your mom thought I was your girlfriend, saying that you should use contraceptives well.」

「Again, that person thinks that as long as I don't get pregnant, everything will be fine.」

From the beginning, Takai had called his mother「That person」,It seemed that his family had a lot of complicated stories.

「Instead of this, let's go to my room.」

Takai stood up from the sofa, wrapped his arm around Touyama's arm, and pressed his chest against it. Although it wasn't big, you could feel the soft touch on his chest.

Normally Takai wouldn't do this kind of inviting behavior, but today he was very active. Touyama was grabbed by Takai's arm and forcibly brought into his room.

Once in the room, Takai suddenly pushed Touyama onto the bed and pushed her body down.

「Hey, what's going on? I've always felt that you're a bit strange these days.」

Facing the question about Touyama, Takai just kissed him quietly. It was a different kiss, passionate, and different from the usual kiss. Touyama only kissed Takai briefly.

Takai pursued sensuality more aggressively than usual. After that incident, the two of them lay on the bed tiredly.

「Hey, what's going on today? You've been feeling strange since this morning. Could it be related to Uehara-san?」

Touyama asked Takai about what was going on with him today.

「It has nothing to do with Uehara-san. And I'm the same as always, nothing has changed.」

Ever since Uehara started approaching Touyama, Takai's attitude has undoubtedly become strange.

「Could it be... it's emburu, you're jealous?」

The only reason I can think of is this. Although we are not lovers, but also we have an overlapping body relationship, there might be some idea of jealousy from there.

「......」We're only in a physical relationship. No-feelings like that.」

Although Takai denied it, Touyama could hear the momentary pause between the words.

「Is that... Is there something wrong with me.」

After that, Takai fell asleep without saying a word, but his hand was still holding Touyama's.

◇ ◇ ◇

———Scene Change———

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Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep!

Touyama stretched out his hand from the bed, rubbed his sleepy eyes and turned off the alarm on his phone.

「Wah... I'm so sleepy... oops, I'll be late if I don't wake up now.」

Yesterday, Takai fucked Toyama more intensely than usual, we played more than three rounds in a row. Touyama felt muscle pain and fatigue in his body.

Remembering Touyama from yesterday's affair, my dick had started to freeze again, and Touyama's dick became hard again.

「Shake it first and then go to school. ......」

There seems to be more than enough libido to calm down.

Taking off his pajamas and underwear, Touyama used Takai's messy figure last night as a side dish for his own power plant.

「Onii-chan! If you don't wake up soon, you'll be late!」

The door to the room suddenly opened, and Touyama hurriedly covered her lower body with the blanket.

Oops! Is it showing already!?

No, no, it's okay... Anyway, I quickly covered my lower body with the blanket, even though I wasn't wearing my underwear.

The person who suddenly barged in was Touyama's younger sister, Naki.

「Hey, did Onii-chan hear me? If Onii-chan doesn't hurry, you'll be late for school.」

「Na, Na, Naki, didn't I tell you to knock on the door first before entering the room?」

Although Touyama, who didn't lock the door, was equally guilty, even family members have their own privacy.

「Ahahaha sorry. But why does Onii-chan seem so anxious? Have you done something out of sight? Onii-chan is also at this age of puberty. 」

Naki's statement made Touyama feel very hot. But it was also because she was told that Touyama admitted that she was making excuses. So Touyama did not argue, but remained silent.

「I'm awake, Naki, you can come out.」

「No? If I don't monitor Onii-chan, Onii-chan will fall asleep again.」

No matter how cute Naki was, Touyama was not so perverted that she could keep getting an erection while looking at her sister's face. Now Touyama's cock is completely withered, but there is still nothing to wear. You can't just get out of bed in front of Naki.

「No, I said it's okay.」

「Well, Onii-chan will get out of bed now.」

For some reason, Naki was very stubborn and refused to leave the room.

「No... Naki hurry up and come out. Please...."

It's really going to be too late.

Touyama thought that even if she was revealed to be Ngocok right now, he couldn't help but beg.

「Eh? Well, that's... I was joking, but I really was shuffling...? yeah I'm sorry!」

With a flushed face, Naki hurriedly left the room.

「Huh...she finally left.」

Naki seemed to have realized it, but it was better than being seen with her naked cock. Even if detected, it could be taken as just Naki's guess and considered innocent.

「Ups, I'm really going to be late.」

Touyama hurriedly got out of bed, made preparations for school, quickly finished breakfast, washed his face, and walked towards the entrance.

「Onii-chan wait for me. I want to go too.」

Naki is a third-year junior high school student at the same school as Touyama. Since junior high school and high school are in the same school, the way to school is also the same.

「Naki, it's all because you prevented me from getting up this late, so hurry up.」

Touyama left Naki, who was still lazing around, and quickly walked out of the entrance.

「Really~ Onii-chan is too much, leave your cute little sister and go alone.」

Naki chased after her from behind. At the same time as Touyama was being followed by Naki, something soft touched his left arm. It was Naki who embraced her. And the true identity of that soft object was actually a well-developed chest for a junior high school student.

Is this bigger than Takai? Naki had already grown well... Touyama tried to restrain himself from realizing this kind of depraved thinking.

「Well, Naki, it's almost time for us to part ways, if you're seen by your classmates, you're mistaken.」

Touyama and his family live near the school, so they can reach the school on foot without taking the train or can.

You can gradually see other students around.

「Naki won't care even if I'm seen, right?」

「No, that kind of thing should be taken care of. It's strange how brothers and sisters walk with their arms crossed."

「Is that so?」

「Other students are starting to come too, let go.」

Saying so, Touyama forcefully pulled Naki's arm from her own.

「Bad onii-chan~」

「You, where did you learn these kinds of things?」

It doesn't sound like words you learn in junior high school, but high school students don't say them either. Touyama has read many books, and her knowledge is vast.

「Ah? Toyama?」

Just as Touyama was about to reach the school gate, Touyama heard a girl calling him from behind.

Is there a girl talking to me in the morning?

Looking back, Touyama saw a beautiful girl who was familiar to his eyes.

Ahttt, it was Uehara.

「Good morning, Uehara-san」

「Good morning Touyama... Once again... Who is that cute girl? Is that your girlfriend...or something?」

Uehara looked at Naki, who was walking beside Touyama, with a troubled expression.

「Um? Ah, this is my younger brother. in junior high school」

「Yes, yes, very good... I'm Uehara Marika, your sister's classmate."

Uehara breathed a sigh of relief and greeted Naki.

「Onii-chan... is this your girlfriend?」

Naki looked at Uehara with a hostile gaze.

「No, we're just classmates.」

「Ouh I see... it's okay. I'm his younger sister, my name is Touyama Naki. Uehara-senpai, thank you for taking care of Onii-chan.」

Naki bowed her head.

「Wow, Touyama, your sister is very polite. And very cute. Naki-chan, please do me a favor.」

「Okay, please do me a favor too. By the way... Uehara-senpai's breasts are very big. Uehara-senpai please don't tease Onii-chan.」

If it was a boy who said it, it would turn into sexual harassment, but Naki said it to Uehara casually.

「You, what are you talking about! ? Uehara-san, I'm sorry, my sister is a little strange.」

「No, it's okay, I don't care... ahaha.」

Uehara said with a stiff expression that it was okay.

If Naki continued to stay near Uehara, who knows what else she would say.

「Well, let's go in.」

After entering the school gate, the high school and middle school were in different directions.

Touyama, who was worried that Naki would say something strange again, Touyama went to class with Uehara as if he was running away.

「I'm really sorry for what happened to my sister just now.」

Touyama apologized to Uehara as he walked towards the class.

But because of Naki's strange words, Touyama, who wasn't completely at fault in the morning, was very worried about Uehara's tight breasts.

「Ahaha, Toyama sister is indeed attractive. I didn't expect to suddenly mention my breasts.」

Saying so, Uehara touched her breasts with both hands as if to emphasize them. Touyama tried his best to remain calm, not allowing himself to become conscious.

「I'm going to the restroom, you can go to class first.」

Feeling a little embarrassed, Touyama did not choose to enter the classroom with Uehara, but instead excused himself to go to the restroom.

「Well, see you in class.」

Huh...I've been pretty tired since this morning.

The intense fucking with Takai last night greatly reduced Touyama's physical strength, in the morning, Naki consumed most of his energy, which made Toyama even want to skip class and rest.

Because of Naki's strange behavior in the morning, Toyama lay down on the desk as soon as she entered the classroom.

「Good morning Yuki. You look tired in the morning, are you okay?"

The cute male student sitting in front of Touyama looked back and asked anxiously.

「Ah, Chihiro... Good morning. A lot of things have happened in the morning.」

Just seeing Chihiro's face made me feel healed. With that innocent smile, Touyama could see that Chihiro was really worried about Touyama.

「Touyama looks a little tired, are you okay? You're not pushing yourself right?」

Apparently, Touyama was tired just from lack of sleep.

「Ah, I'm just a little sleep deprived. Let me sleep before class starts.」

「Yes, I understand. I'll wake you up when sensei comes.」

「Please. But not to mention... Chihiro really looks like my girlfriend.」

「You, what are you talking about! ? I'm a man you know.」

「No... Seeing Chihiro like this, I'm starting to think that even a man would be fine.」

Chihiro's femininity was truly no joke. Her tenderness could even make Touyama be mesmerized by her despite being of the same gender.

「Wait, why did you guys start making out and teasing each other so early in the morning?」

Just like yesterday, today Uehara ran to intervene in the conversation between Touyama and Chihiro.

Although Kuroshima hadn't come to class yet, it would be troublesome if he saw her. Touyama thought so, and looked around.

「Good morning, Uehara-sama!」

TL/N: Here Chihiro spoke formal language to Uehara.

Chihiro greeted Uehara politely like her senior.

「Okita-kun, good morning. We're classmates, so don't be too formal when greeting."

「Good morning, Uehara-san! Is this ok」

「Wait,'re too cute! You're so cute that I want to hug you. Are you really a boy?"

「Since then, Chihiro said the same thing when she met my sister before.」

Chihiro went to Touyama's house several times to play, so she knew Naki.

「Did Okita-kun also meet Touyama's sister?」

「It seems that Uehara-san has seen Toyama's sister if asking such a statement.」

「I just saw her, and suddenly she said to me『Your breasts are too big』。」

Uehara remembered what happened just now and smiled happily. It's fine if you don't feel unhappy because of such talk.

「Yuki, your sister is still the same as always...」

Chihiro could only smile.

「When I think of Chihiro's first meeting with Naki, I have to laugh out loud.」

「Yuki, don't think about it. It's so embarrassing...really」

Chihiro puffed up her cheeks and made a fuss.

「Eh, what? Your sister, what did your sister say to Chihiro?」

Uehara leaned forward with interest. Her magnificent breasts continued to show their presence in front of Touyama.

Okay, that was very close.

Touyama recalled Naki's words and deeds at that moment, while chasing away distracting thoughts. Looking away from Uehara's breasts.

『Is that really a boy with a dick? 』

「I remember what she said like that.」


Uehara burst out laughing while spitting out his saliva.

「Ue, Uehara-san, this isn't funny.」

「Yes, sorry...wait...ahahaha! ...Touyama's younger brother is really interesting...woohoo」

This seemed to catch Uehara's laughter, and he smiled, trying his best to contain it. However, Touyama also laughed at that moment.

「Really... that's so embarrassing.」


Many people's eyes were focused on Touyama and the others. Probably because he had a good chat with Uehara, who was popular among the boys. Among them there were those who looked at Kurashima who came to class at some point.

Takai... Although Touyama found his figure, he didn't seem to care about this place today.

Compared to this... it was rather conspicuous.

If it was Uehara and the others, who were always in the spotlight, it would be fine. But Touyama was not used to being looked at like this. This kind of gaze, mixed with feelings of jealousy and prejudice, could only make people unhappy.

「It's almost time for sensei to come, Uehara-san should return to his seat.」

In order for the students not to continue struggling with this, Touyama interrupted my conversation.

「Ah ah, obviously I still want to chat some more. Then I'll come and play again after the lunch break.」

It's not that I hate Uehara, but if it's so blatant, I still want to avoid active contact with him. Although Touyama didn't say it, he really thought so in his heart.

「Lunch break today, I'm in charge of the library committee, so I'm not in class.」

「Ah, is that so? I'll go to the library during lunch break.」

It looks like Uehara is planning to go to the library. Touyama originally thought that Uehara would give up if Touyama took charge of the library committee work during lunch break, instead of staying in class. The result was an unexpected answer.

「Uehara-san, the library is not a place to play.」

Touyama tried to speak in a tone like a library committee member.

「Look, didn't you say that you would recommend me a book or something? Touyama also said that it wasn't a private conversation.」

Uehara-san still remembers that kind of thing.

「But, the lunch break is very short, and there are many people returning books, so I don't think there is much time.」

In fact, the lunch break time is very short, so there is no time to slowly select books, so only a few students come to borrow books.

「Ehh-Is that so? That's really impossible... I'm too embarrassed to bother, so forget it.」

Overall, this afternoon's isturai was safe. Touyama let out a sigh of relief.

「Hmm, sorry. I'll let you know if you come after school.」

「Ah, if that's the case, why don't we go back together after school today? Chat over coffee at the coffee shop.」

Uehara's unexpected proposal made Touyama a little confused. With his character, even if he was rejected, he would probably bring it up again next time.

Touyama did not mean to make Uehara hate him. Touyama only hated that, as long as Uehara had a relationship with him, Touyama would definitely get someone else's attention. Touyama just wanted to spend his school life in peace.

Just when he was in trouble, Chihiro's figure entered his field of vision.

「Then... Since Uehara-san said so, may I also take Chihiro with us?」

In order not to become a situation where the two of them were alone, Touyama left the topic of conversation to Chihiro. If she were here right now, Uehara probably wouldn't mind.

「I'm sorry, Yuki. I have something to do today, I have to go back early, so I can't accompany you.」

Why does it have to be now!? Touyama, who had lost the way to retreat, had no other choice but to accept the request.

But if you thought about it carefully, if Uehara felt displeased with Touyama, he might not talk to him again in the future.

Since Uehara has no intention of hating himself, let Uehara realize how boring Touyama is, and then Uehara will stop bothering Touyama and return to his original circle and live happily.

Touyama, who thought of such negative things, was a sly horn in his head.

「Isn't that so, it's a pity Chihiro can't come... Then Uehara-san, let's go back together today.」

「Really!? That's it! Well, I'm looking forward to after school.」

Uehara returned to his seat with a smile that was truly happy, not pretending.

「Haha... she finally left... I didn't even have time for a nap.」

The future of Touyama falling asleep in class was already a certainty.

「Uehara-san seems to be looking forward to it, Yuki is also looking forward to it.」

Chihiro didn't have any strange suspicions, but hoped from the bottom of her heart that she would become happy. It was nice to be friends with her.

To be honest, it was precisely because Chihiro treated Touyama as her friend that she was able to get her work done without being too conspicuous in class.

So, to stop being noticed by others, don't avoid Uehara strangely after school, but treat him as normal. Otherwise, it would be very rude for Uehara to ask him out. Touyama was very determined.

The library committee takes turns being in charge of the lunch break and library work after school. Touyama was in charge of today's lunch break.

The lunch break is only 50 minutes, so the actual work time is about 30 minutes. Touyama hurriedly finished his lunch and walked to the library.

「Chihiro, I'm going to the library.」

「Well, be careful on the way.」

Touyama was also not very clear, it seems that large-scale schools would have a Sensei managing the library, mainly in charge of the operation of the school library. When the students are in class, the Sensei who manages the library would be in charge of the business in the library.

「Miyamoto-sensei, thank you for your hard work. I will be in charge of the lunch break."

「Touyama-kun has been working hard. Then I'll take a break first, and I'll trouble you with the work at the front desk. The books that have been returned will better wait for me to return them to the shelves.」

「Ok, I understand.」

The woman who said that and left the library was the teacher in charge of the library, Saya Miyamoto.

With long black hair and glasses, she was an intellectual beauty. Not only among male students, but also among fellow male sensei. Therefore, when Miyamoto-sensei was on duty at the front desk of the library, there were often many male students who came to her to borrow and return books.

And now, the popular Sensei was taking a break, there were only a few students left in the library reading.

As the lunch break ended, there was a rough door opening in the quiet library. Touyama stared at the uninvited guest who entered and sighed.

「Hey, Touyama! How is this?」

As soon as he entered the library, Kurashima rushed in noisily. The female students who were studying were startled. Does she know where this is?

「Kurajima-kun, you're making trouble for others, please stay quiet in the library.」

「I'm asking you what this means!」

「Kurajima-kun, I told you to be quiet, don't you hear me? look around you.」

The students who stayed in the library yelled at Kurushima, rolling her eyes.


Kurashima clicked her tongue loudly and left the library.

Kurashima really is a selfish person. Is a person who is said to be handsome so complacent?

「I'm very sorry for causing inconvenience to everyone.」

Why am I the one apologizing?

What a troublesome man. Touyama watched Kurashima leave the library and sighed again.

「Touyama-kun has been working hard, just leave it to me, you can go back to class.」

「Okay, I know. I'll trouble you later, Sensei.」

 Miyamoto-sensei came back from his break and announced that Touyama's work today was finished.

Although there was still afternoon class, but because of Kurashima's problem, Touyama really wanted to go home now.

「Speaking of Touyama-kun, Kurashima-kun seems to be standing outside the library, is he waiting for you?」

That guy from Kurashima, I thought he would leave honestly, but he didn't expect to be standing outside waiting for me... This is really troublesome.

「No, it's alright....」

「Is that so... but, it feels like she's very angry, is that okay?」

「Yes, I was just arguing with her about some boring stuff, it's fine.」

It was probably because Kurashima found out that Uehara was going to go out with Touyama after school, so he felt unhappy.

Touyama, who was entangled in these boring things, felt uneasy.

「If something happens, let sensei know immediately.」

After all, it was a dispute about a female student, and Touyama was too embarrassed to discuss it with her. Touyama could not help but hold his head in distress.

「Good, thank you sensei」

Touyama walked towards the library door with heavy steps. Open the door and go out carefully while observing the situation outside.

Ah? Isn't that guy from Kurashima...I got impatient and gave up?

Touyama, who thought so, walked down the corridor towards the classroom, but when he was halfway, someone suddenly came to talk to him from behind.

「Touyama, I'm getting impatient waiting. I have something to say to you.」

Looking back, it was Kurashima who Touyama least wanted to see calling out to him. Was he hiding somewhere?

「So, what is it? Since class is about to start, please hurry up.」

There were still about five minutes before class started.

「I want you to refuse to go with Marika.」

Well, Touyama was also thinking like this, but why would you want someone to reject it out of the blue?

Touyama began to wonder if there was something wrong with Kurashima's arrogant nerves.

「Is that what Uehara-san asked Kurashima-kun to do? If it is, I don't care, if not, you're really nosy."

「Marika didn't say anything. After all, you forcibly invited Marika, right? That person is very gentle, so there was no way to refuse. A bastard like you doesn't deserve to play with Marika.」

Is she talking about the nobles of which world? It's really unclear.

「You seem to misunderstand, Uehara-san invited me.」

「There's no such thing! Don't lie to me!」

「If it's a lie or something, you'll find out by asking Uehara-san.」

Kurashima muttered to herself, how could it be...why would Uehara ask out a guy like this...or something like that.

「Are you okay? It's almost time for class to start, so I'll go back to class first.」

If I continue like this, I'll only be late for class, and it's just a waste of time to pay attention to a guy like this. Touyama forcefully left the conversation.

「Hey, hey, wait! I'm not done talking to you yet!」

Kurashima seemed to want to say something, but Touyama chose to ignore him and walked towards the classroom.

Touyama walked quickly to class, and when he returned to his seat, he sighed while lying down on the desk.

「Yuki, you look tired, are you okay? Are librarians working so hard?」

Seeing Touyama's tired face, Chihiro was very worried.

「No, it's not the librarian's business, it's mostly something else...."

Blame that idiot for me not getting enough sleep here. What a troublesome man.

「Yes, it's not obvious, but it's hard work. There are still classes in the afternoon, Yuki, please stick to it.」

Chihiro encouraged Touyama with a smile.

Touyama wanted to boil Chihiro's nail tartar and give it to Kurashima to drink, but on second thought, it was too wasteful to give it to that person.

「're amazing. If you're really my girlfriend, I think I'll be very happy.」

Chihiro healed the spiritual power of Touyama, who had been cut down because of Kurashima.

「They all say that I'm a boy... I feel ashamed after being said so many times like that.」

The shy Chihiro looked like an angel in Touyama's eyes. Even though she was a boy.

「Well, it was just a joke. I'll sleep first, then wake me up when sensei comes.」

Touyama, who was healed by Chihiro, decided to take a nap to regain his energy.

Are you going to wake up in your own bed? With such an escape, Touyama prayed that it was just a dream, and fell asleep in class.

Last night's sleepover with Takai, Naki's strange behavior in the morning, and Kurashima's confusing behavior during the day, caused Touyama's physical and mental strength to be greatly reduced since yesterday. In the case of sleep deprivation, Touyama, who was constantly dozing off, finished the afternoon class in a daze.

Touyama and Uehara agreed to go out together after school.

However, it was Kurashima who found out about this, and Touyama was entangled by him during the lunch break. How deep is that man's jealousy? Are you so obsessed with Uehara?

For this reason, Touyama honestly didn't want to go out with Uehara. And his fans aren't just in the class, there are many people from the lower class to the upper class. If they knew, there would definitely be other problems.

Since his relationship with Uehara, his peaceful life began to be threatened, and Touyama felt a sense of crisis.

Touyama didn't hate Uehara, but rather liked her. After all, she was a beautiful and cute beauty, with an outstanding figure and gentle personality.

I want to be close to Uehara, I want to hang out with her, I even want to fuck her. As a man, you must have such desires. Actually, there should be many male students around with this kind of feeling. And Kurashima was undoubtedly the most representative figure among them.

For Touyama, even if he could have a good relationship with Uehara, his peaceful life would be threatened.If these two things were balanced, he would definitely choose the latter. To ask why, because Touyama was very satisfied with the current relationship with Takai.

The relationship with Takai was not sweet talk like liking or loving, but when he overlapped with her body, Touyama felt very satisfied.

Although Touyama's experience is only one person, Takai. But both of them have very good physical confidence.

For this reason, Yuanshan didn't particularly want to have a good relationship with Uehara.

Touyama even thought that if he could, it would be better to make a friend who could tell the truth like Chihiro.

And Uehara could be a good friend. However, there was a school circle status wall between them. Kurashima and Touyama's circles were not in line, this was the reality.


「Touyama, are you listening to me?」

Someone poked Touyama's shoulder from behind, which brought Touyama back to his senses.


「Ah sorry. I'm a little confused.」

Uehara seemed to greet Touyama several times. But she was completely unresponsive on him. Perhaps Touyama was half asleep.

「Looking at Touyama, you didn't answer my call, I thought you were sleeping.」

「After thinking about Uehara-san for a while, I was half asleep.」

「Oh? I... I, like what...」

Uehara showed a somewhat surprised expression, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

「Uh, uh-it was...I was thinking of where to go with Uehara-san after school. not thinking of anything strange.」

Did the statement just now create a strange misunderstanding? Touyama felt anxious. But he was thinking about Uehara.

「Ah, that kind of thing... So, have you decided where we should go?"

Uehara showed a slightly regretful expression.

「Well, Uehara-san said that if you want me to recommend a book, let's go to a bookstore and look around.」

「Hmm, there seems to be a big bookstore in front of the station, right? uh... what's it called?」

「Ahhh, it's Introspection Hall.」

「Good! Hall of Introspection! Just go there.」

Touyama, who had decided his purpose in this way, quickly packed up his belongings and stood up from his seat. Looking around, he walked side by side with Uehara to the classroom door.

It seemed that the combination of Touyama and Uehara was rare, and the other students had directed their attention to them. There were so many differences between the beautiful Uehara and Touyama, it was only natural that they would attract attention.

I don't seem to see Kurashima's figure...

Before leaving with Uehara, Touyama had worried that he would be constantly followed, but it turned out that he was unfounded.

Then Takai is--

It seems like he's no longer in class.

Reading in the library after school was a daily routine for Takai, so he should be in the library.

As Touyama and Uehara walked to the door and were about to leave the classroom, another student entered the classroom, Touyama and the others stopped in front of the door.

Takai! ?

With black hair and glasses, he walked into the classroom, glanced at Touyama and Uehara who were standing at the door, and passed by casually.

Touyama and Uehara left the classroom in turn with Takai.

What were you thinking when Takai saw Toyama and Uehara walking together?

Takai himself said that they were not lovers but just sex friends, so there was no such feeling.

So Touyama doesn't care.

It was a comfortable relationship with Takai... that was all. Touyama said to himself.

「Because of that, Takai-san and I hardly talk at all. Touyama seems to often talk to her in the library, what kind of person is she?」

Although I don't know why Uehara is interested in Takai, she shouldn't be suspicious of Touyama and Takai's relationship by looking at him like that.

「He and I only talked about books, so I don't know anything about him.」

Touyama knew almost nothing except that Takai's family was complicated. Takai didn't say anything about himself.

「So...will she talk to me if I know better about books?」

「Uehara-san wants to chat with Takai-san?」

「After all, we are classmates, so I want to have a good relationship. But Takai-san is usually alone and doesn't know what to say to me, so I thought books should be our chatting opportunity."

As expected, Uehara was a good person who had no prejudice against anyone.

Touyama could not understand why Uehara was entangled in a circle with Kurashima.

「That's why...that's why you asked me about that book.」

In that case, Uehara's action of seemingly having no interest in reading could also make sense.

「No, that's not the case... it's Touyama... it's...」

Uehara had an indescribable expression.

「Eh? I what?」

「Nothing at all! Idiot!」

Did I do something that made her angry?

Touyama, who could not detect a woman's mind, had female experience, but had no lover. This made him realize again that Touyama was an unwanted bastard.

The two exchanged their indoor shoes for flats while chatting and walked out of the school gate. Touyama, who felt the gazes of the other students, once again felt Uehara's popularity.

Uehara didn't seem to care much about the attention of the crowd, and no matter where he was, he was a natural unadorned posture.

I see... Is this what is called charm?

Saying so, Toyama discovered Uehara's charm for the first time.

It takes twenty minutes to walk from the school to the station.

「So what kind of books does Uehara-san like?」

Touyama and Uehara, heading to their destination, Reflection Hall, is a large five-story bookstore. In order to avoid difficulties in finding books, you should decide in advance what kind of store you want to go to.

Light novels, literary works, novels, etc. There is not so much time to explore one by one.

「Hmm...I don't usually read novels...that's as much as I do when writing reviews.」

In that case, light novels and character literature with a lighter style would be better. Touyama narrowed his scope.

「You like what type? Like love or something else.」

「It's true, I still like things related to love. I often watch romantic movies. There are also fantasy movies like adventure. I don't like scary and weird ones.」

I can feel that Uehara's preferences are quite common.

If Uehara has otaku elements, I should be able to recommend some Romcom novels. So Touyama decided which type of shop to visit.

Touyama was an otaku who loved watching anime and loved reading light novels. He didn't mean to hide it from Uehara. If you can't stand the house, then let go of the relationship, there's no need to force the relationship if you have different interests.

While asking Uehara's preferences, Touyama moved forward, and in a flash, he arrived in front of the station.

Toyama goes to school on foot, so I won't be using the station. However, the station side was quite prosperous with everything from large bookstores to home appliance stores.

After a few minutes' walk from the station, you'll arrive at Reflection Hall.

「Wow, this bookstore is really big.」

In front of the building called Reflection Hall, Uehara was surprised.

Although there was a 100 yuan shop and a cafe, but today, when the paper books were almost sold out, it should be a very powerful thing to be able to sell books in an entire five-story building like this.

Referring to what Uehara said on the street, the two moved to the light novel shop.

「For someone like Uehara-san who isn't used to reading books, I think light novels should be a good choice?」

Touyama took Uehara to the light novel shop.

「Wow! Is it really okay for the cover to be so H?」

In front of the counter filled with books with colorful covers, Uehara looked at the cover illustration of the light novel, her eyes widened.

Touyama realized again that light novels were indeed male-oriented entertainment works.

「There are many cover works of this kind in light novels. Especially Isekai themes. When it's a Romcom cover, it's usually wearing a uniform."

「Hey...but the illustration is cute. But her breasts are so big! In reality, there won't be any high school students that big. Are the heroines of light novels all big-breasted?」

No, Uehara-san, I don't think you're that big.

Touyama really couldn't say these words, just staring at the chest of Uehara who raised her uniform and nodded lightly.

「Well, if the standard of actual large breast size is put into a light novel, it should just be taken for granted, right?」

Touyama pointed at the illustration of the girl on the cover of the novel flatly.

「Eh!? These breasts are big. If this is normal, then real girls would basically be bad breasts. 」

「Well, after all, it is an invention. Standards will also be developed based on the preferences of light novel readers.」

The target group of light novels are mainly males from junior high school students to social people.

「Hmm... guys like big ones? Touyama also thinks bigger is better, right?"

Uehara lowered her head, looked at Touyama, and threw out a question that Touyama had no idea how to answer.

「No, well... I don't hate it, I like it when it fits in my hand.」

To say that the only breasts Touyama was familiar with were Takai's pair of breasts. But it is hard to say that Takai's are not very big.

But it is very soft and the sensitivity is not bad. If you want to cut it, you can barely cut it. So according to Touyama it doesn't matter if it's not too big.

「Hum hum, Touyama likes small ones...."

Uehara lowered his head and looked down at his chest.

It seems Uehara misunderstood that Touyama likes small ones.

「So, Uehara-san is okay with such illustrations? Because some people will hate it.」

Judging from the conversation, Uehara just saw the illustration on the cover very generally, and he was able to communicate with Touyama, who seemed to have no problem.

「The words are fine. Let's just say I like it. And I also read manga etc.」

「If Uehara-san doesn't hate cute illustrations, that's fine. It seems like there are some recommended books.」

「I haven't discussed this topic with anyone else. But, people stare at my breasts all the time, and I hate those disgusting stares. But, Touyama didn't stare at me like that when you were talking to me, so I was very relieved.」

Indeed, it was clear that the two of them were talking about the topic of big breasts and small breasts, but Uehara and Touyama communicated very generally.

Teenage boys and girls such as junior high and high school students should avoid such topics because they are shy.

「Remember what I said yesterday that Touyama looks like an adult?」

It sounded like something that had been said. Toyama began to search the memory of her conversation with Uehara during this time.

「Hmmm, yes I remember.」

「In class, the boys around me are like children who fully reveal their intentions. So I don't really want to get in touch with them. But the girls in that small circle have a good relationship with me, so I can't lose it."

After all, it was a small circle led by Kurashima, so Touyama could probably imagine what it was like.

The reason why Touyama seemed calm was because of Takai's presence. Since Touyama could release his sexual desires regularly, Touyama didn't need to try his best to seduce other girls.

「After all, Kurashima in the center of a small circle is like that. That circle is very troublesome.」

The possibility of being ostracized or bullied is high if you leave your close circle. If you want to live smoothly at school, you can only join a certain circle.

「Well, isn't that impossible? The so-called collective is such a thing. I think it's enough to try being yourself."

「I envy Touyama. No ties like that, looks free.」

「On the contrary, my only friend is Chihiro. As a result, it's impossible to get the best of both angles like that.」

「Can't have the best of both worlds?」

「Although I'm very free, not bound by a small circle. But when it comes to school trips or other activities, I'm alone without any friends. And Uehara-san has many friends, so even if I participate in activities alone, I don't have to worry about anything and can enjoy it to the fullest, even though I feel bound by the small circle and feel unfree. Maybe it's this feeling?

「A place like Touyama... really looks like an adult. I think this is good.」

It's not the same as being like an adult or anything like that. Touyama felt that when she did not integrate into campus life as a microcosm of society, as a person, was it a disqualification.

「I'm not like an adult. I just felt troublesome to others and chose to run away. If I were an adult, I would probably be able to understand my own social coordination and get along well in class. So Uehara-san is more like an adult than me.」

「Is that so? I don't know.」

「I just have more opportunities to learn, and more knowledge to follow. I think of myself as a boring middle school student.」

「Hmph, it's true that you are an arrogant child who likes to reason.」

Uehara smiled happily.

「It would be better if you could tone it down a bit.」

「You know, since I'm an honest person, I won't lie.」

「To be honest, this cannot be denied. After all, Uehara-san is the same person as she appears on the outside. 」

「It's only in front of Touyama. Be careful in that small circle, it takes a lot of superficial work」

It seems that Uehara can only show the same side of the surface in front of Touyama.

Uehara must have suffered a lot. Even so, it's impossible to get rid of such a society circle.

「Obviously I was explaining the book, but the topic suddenly went off track. What should we do Uehara-san?」

As Uehara said, Toyama was rather fond of reasoning.

Touyama himself felt a little embarrassed for telling some big truths to his classmates.

「I hope to read some books that can turn into an adult like Touyama!」

「In that case, it's better to look at the books in the school library, which can add a lot of superficial knowledge like me.」

「Will I become a lonely person like Touyama? I feel so disgusting.」

「I don't deny that I'm a lonely person, but it's not because of reading that I become lonely, is it? Loneliness is my own attribute."

「I don't know if this is a masochistic joke.」

Saying so, Uehara giggled.

That smile would fascinate any boy. It's a real expression that you can't see in class, but is only seen by Touyama.

As a result, Touyama and the others left the Reflection Hall without buying anything. Since Uehara said that he wanted to chat some more, the two moved to the cafe and chatted about some bland topics, and the day ended like this.

The original purpose of the book selection was for Toyama to select some books in the school library to lend to Uehara. Although there were no works with extreme content and covers, there were light novels in the school library.

Uehara was surprised to learn of this. The expression on his face at that time would make Touyama laugh out loud for as long as he remembered it.

◇ ◇ ◇

———Scene Change———

◇ ◇ ◇

Since Uehara and Toyama went to the Hall of Reflection, whenever Toyama was in charge of the library committee work, Uehara would show his face in the library from time to time.

「Touyama! I'm here to return that book.」

The book Uehara returned was a romantic comedy light novel that would make people ask "Is there such a thing in the school library?" Now Uehara seems to be completely obsessed with reading, and often comes here to borrow books.

Touyama asked Uehara to choose a pure love light novel at the beginning, and it also received interesting comments. Then I recommended a romantic drama like romantic comedy, and Uehara suddenly liked it.

「A heroine like romantic comedies generally doesn't exist. Men fantasize about women too much.」

And it also often happens that you leave a very realistic comment like this to a daydreaming boy and then leave the library.

Uehara walked step by step towards home.

And Takai could be said to be a resident of the library no matter if Touyama was there or not, and he would definitely show up here after school. Uehara had talked to him a lot recently.

「Hey, hey, Takai-san, this novel is very interesting. have you read it?」

Takai squinted at Uehara who was sharing a pure love light novel. Touyama looked at the scene with a relieved smile.

「I don't read that type of book. Uehara-san, private conversations are strictly forbidden in the library. So please don't talk to me, it will hinder my studies.」

The conversation between the two like this, without saying a word, was finally ended unilaterally by Takai.

Takai can't read teen romance novels. He preferred the complicated adult type of stories, though Uehara had no idea what Takai liked.

Uehara wasn't afraid of Takai at all, and whenever they met, Uehara would try to ask him about his liking for books.

「Haha...I don't understand Takai-san's preference these days. The books that Takai-san reads in the library are too difficult to understand, I can't do it.」

Most of what Takai read in the library was pure literature and philosophy. The threshold is too high for Uehara who is still a beginner.

「Hey Toyama, do you know what kind of books Takai likes to read? Tell me about it.」

「You want to try reading the book Takai is holding right now?」

「That book is too hard for me to read! I prefer some ordinary novels.」

「If you want to have a good relationship with Takai-san, you'd better ask her directly.」

Of course Touyama knew what Takai liked. However, Touyama thought it would be meaningless if Uehara didn't ask Takai himself, so Touyama didn't tell him.

「Really... you're so stingy, Touyama!」

Toyama wanted Takai to open up to Uehara and become friends. He felt that Takai's heart that had been lost in the complicated family environment seemed to be filled by this relationship with himself.

But this is only temporary. The filled hole would soon be opened. Toyama is just an ordinary high school student, and what she can do for Takai is limited. Respond only if he needs to.

Takai did not tell Touyama his sincerity. Probably because Takai did not seek Touyama out much to perform such a task.

But Touyama thought that if there was a same-sex friend like Uehara who treated anyone without prejudice, it should be different. At least the words of a friend who was willing to listen... Perhaps everything would be fine, and Touyama would no longer be needed either.

Touyama thought this was also possible. After all, it was normal.

◇ ◇ ◇

———Scene Change———

◇ ◇ ◇

During the lunch break the person in charge of the library was Toyama, there were no other students in the library except Takai, just the two of them.

「I want to borrow this book」

After borrowing the book Takai brought, Touyama handed it to him.

「The deadline for returning the book is two weeks later.」

Takai didn't take the book, but grabbed Touyama's wrist and pulled him to the side. Touyama leaned forward, his face close enough to kiss Takai. There was a faint scent on him.

Then, Takai brought his graceful lips close to Touyama's ear and whispered.

「Hey, Yuki.」


「Why does that kid keep following me?」

「You mean Uehara-san?」

Since Uehara seemed to want to have a good relationship with Takai, Touyama decided that it was okay to tell Takai, so Touyama told Takai what Uehara said.

「He said Uehara-san wants to have a good relationship with you, Takai.」


「You asked me, I don't know either. I also rarely socialize with classmates.」

「Huh.. that's a weird kid」

「Is that so? He's a good kid with no prejudice."

「...... Does Yuki like him?」

「Eh? I don't have such feelings for him...."

「That's right?」

「What's the problem? suddenly asking this.」

「It's okay.」

「Takai is also looking at Uehara-san a little softer?」

Touyama's words received no response from Takai.

Although it was unclear what Takai thought of Uehara, Takai cared about Uehara. Perhaps the day when the two become friendly will come in the not too distant future.

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