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[LN] Saenai Boku ga Kimi no Heya - Volume 1 - Chapter 7

[LN] Saenai Boku ga Kimi no Heya - Volume 1 - Chapter 7


Chapter 7 - Gradual Mood Change

Touyama, Uehara, Chihiro, and Aizawa each brought their lunch boxes and gathered around Touyama's table.

Recently, the four of them had been gathering for lunch more often.

In the past, only Touyama and Chihiro ate together, but things had changed recently.

Chihiro noticed that Touyama had cut his hair, and his rumors with Uehara had gradually diminished.

This is not a dramatic change.

By the way, although Uehara always invited Takai to have lunch with him, Takai always refused.

Touyama admired Uehara's spirit that did not give up despite being rejected many times.

「Touyama, are you free after school today? Want to go karaoke together? I have a discount coupon for group use."

As if the kiss on the cheek at parting never happened when Touyama and Uehara went to the movies a few days ago, Uehara naturally invited Touyama to go to karaoke together.

「I want to! I'm going I'm going! I haven't been to karaoke recently, but I really want to go now!"

Aizawa leaned forward and raised her hand first.

「Harumi we used to go together a lot, but recently everyone split up.」

According to Uehara, their circle used to go to karaoke together, but they split up since the group chat that discussed Touyama and Uehara.

The reason why the small circle centered on Kurashima became like this was mostly due to the departure of Uehara and Aizawa.

「I still have work as a library committee member after school today, so I can't leave until later. If you think it's okay, will you guys wait for me?"

「Yes, it's fine if I wait for you to finish work. how about it? Harumi.」

Uehara asked for Aizawa's approval.

「It's okay to wait in class for an hour or so, no problem.」

Aizawa also said that she would wait for her.

「So what should Chihiro do?」

「If Yuki goes too...I'm the only boy who doesn't go, so, if Yuki goes then I'll go too...."

As she said that, Chihiro lowered her head and raised her eyes to pleadingly look at Touyama.

「If Chi, Chihiro says so, then I'll go too.」

Chihiro's cute expression made it hard to believe that she was actually a man.

「Okay! Then I'll also invite Takai-san to come along as well.」

Saying that, Uehara walked towards Takai, who was reading quietly by himself as usual.

Because of that, Uehara's invitation to Takai was unexpected. But her words... Touyama didn't expect Takai to come along.

I can't imagine how Takai would look like singing at karaoke.

「Takai-san will come with us too~」


Uehara, who returned, gave a surprising answer.

I didn't expect Takai to go to karaoke together... What kind of mood change is this?

But Aizawa was also there, and Touyama wanted to take this opportunity for Takai to have a good relationship with them and expand his circle of friends.

After school, Touyama opened the library door and went inside. I saw Takai already sitting in his chair reading a book.

Before coming to the library, Touyama wanted to tell Uehara to wait in the library while waiting for Touyama to finish his work. But thinking that they might be very noisy, I had to ask them to wait for him in class.

If they could read quietly like Takai, the lord of the library, it would be fine.

「Yuki, I can't get the book, can you get it for me?」

The deadline time for borrowing and returning books had ended, and when the library was empty as it approached closing time, Takai talked to Toyama at the front desk.

「Yes, I understand.」

It's rare, it's usually Takai who can't be chatted with, can't Takai just pick up the books himself with a tripod. Touyama thought so, and followed behind him.

「That book, please.」

The book Takai was looking for was in the deepest corner of the library's dead end, and Takai pointed to the top shelf of the bookshelf.

「Eh... this one?」

Touyama climbed onto the tripod and picked up the book according to the indicated position.

「No, the one on the right.」

The book Takai instructed was a romantic comedy that he didn't usually read. Touyama wondered if her mood had changed.

「Okay, is this it?」

「Thank you.」

Takai took the book from Touyama and turned the pages to confirm the contents.

「Not this one.」

Saying that, Takai returned the book back to Touyama.

「The next one is that one.」

Takai asked Touyama to take another book, turned the page and said it was wrong, and returned the book back to him. After repeating it several times, Takai suddenly stopped when he didn't know the number of books he turned over, and handed the open page to Touyama.

「Hey Yuki, I want to do this.」

「Eh? This refers to...」

When I looked at the page Takai opened, there was an illustration of a man and a woman kissing passionately.

Touyama, who was staring at Takai, thought he was teasing him, but from his expression that never showed emotion, it was hard to tell if Takai was joking or serious.

But Touyama knew that Takai was not the type to joke around, so he must be serious.

「Maybe someone will see it, if there are strange rumors, will Takai be in trouble too?」

「It doesn't matter if I'm seen. Yuki would have a problem too right if Uehara-san saw her?」

Takai, who said so, advanced step by step, and the back of Touyama, who continued to retreat, collided with the bookshelf.

As Takai said, Touyama didn't want Uehara to know about their relationship. So Touyama couldn't say anything, and his eyes kept wandering.

--! ?

The moment Touyama took his eyes off Takai, something soft and warm touched Touyama's neck. His body trembled.

「Taka, Takai! What are you doing?

Takai pressed his lips and tongue against Touyama's neck.

「In, in a place like this... No, no, if someone comes here.」

Touyama said that while feeling the breath Takai exhaled as Takai licked his neck. The feminine scent on his body, which was different from the body wash and shampoo Takai usually used, gradually paralyzed Toyama's mind.

「It tastes a little salty.」

「Takai, it's dirty. ......」

「It's not dirty, I don't care about that.」

Takai said that while licking Touyama's neck again.

Takai's slippery tongue stimulated Touyama's brain, and a burst of pleasure flowed behind him.

「Yuki, now it's erect...."

The stimulation in the neck made Touyama's lower body react, and he couldn't help but move his waist because he was embarrassed.


Saying so, Takai reached out and hugged Yuan Shan's waist, as if Takai was unwilling to let her escape.


Takai licked Touyama's neck without interruption, pressed his waist against her lower body, and began to rub it slowly.

Takai's quickening breathing made Toyama understand that he was becoming sexually aroused.

Instead of stopping, Takai reached out and touched Touyama's lower body.

「Um... Yuki, that's amazing...."

Takai put his hand on Touyama's bulging school pants, sighed, and then started stroking Touyama's dick up and down.

「Taka, Takai... Stop... If we go any further...」

「I don't want to.」

Touyama, whose rationality exploded, extended his hand to Takai's lower body and stimulated her through her skirt.


Takai's body also trembled in response, and gasped softly.

Touyama, who was getting desperate, put his hand inside Takai's skirt-

「Ah? no one's there?」

When the library door opened, a familiar voice sounded inside.

「Is Touyama not here?」

The owner of that voice was Uehara who was supposed to be waiting for him in class. Touyama's entire body instantly calmed down upon hearing that voice. In order for Uehara not to see this situation, he tried to distance himself from Takai.

--! ?

For a moment, Touyama felt a slight tingling in his neck.

In what Uehara could see, Takai had clearly left bite marks on his neck. Then Takai licked his lips deliciously, and separated his body from Touyama.

His beautifully shaped lips were wet with his own saliva, making Takai's expression extremely lascivious.

「Ah, Touyama, are you here? What are you and Takai-san doing?」

Uehara, who discovered Touyama's figure, ran over, but there was no bad sight at that moment.

「Ah, that's...because Takai-san said she couldn't reach the book, so I came to help her pick it up.」

Touyama immediately put his hand on her neck, covering the place where she had just been kissed by Takai. His neck was wet with Takai's saliva.

「Touyama, what's wrong with your neck?」

Uehara seemed to notice Touyama's unnatural hand touching his neck.

「No, no... It's because... A, I just got bitten by a bug.」

「Hmm... There shouldn't be any insects inside the library. Let me see Touyama。」

Insects attached to books won't bite, unless the book insect is like Takai, I shouldn't know about that.

「No, no, I'm fine. 」


If you keep refusing to show her, it might arouse her suspicion. Touyama had to give up and slowly removed his hand covering his neck.

「Ah, it's really bitten. it's all red.」

Uehara stared intently at his neck, without the slightest suspicion that it was Takai's bite mark. But since it was actually Takai's bite marks, Touyama felt an indescribable sense of guilt when he thought to be seen by Uehara.

「Ahh? why is your lehe wet.」

Uehara said this to his neck that was wet with Takai's saliva, and Touyama's heartbeat suddenly became very fast.

「That, that..., maybe it's because I was sweating while organizing the bookshelves.」

「Come on, clean it with this.」

Although it was a weak excuse, Uehara took out her handkerchief from her pocket without hesitation and handed it over.

「No, no, this is fine.」

「Take this.」

「Okay... thank you.」

Touyama took his handkerchief and wiped Takai's saliva with the handkerchief he borrowed from Uehara. This unethical behavior made her feel complicated.

「Thank you, I'll return it to you after I wash it.」

「Ah, it doesn't need to be washed.」

Saying that, without even having the chance to refuse, Uehara took his handkerchief back from Touyama's hand in an instant.

「A handkerchief with sweat from Touyama...hehehe.」

「Eh? Uehara-san, what did you just say?"

Uehara muttered with a somewhat unruly expression while stuffing the handkerchief into his pocket. But Touyama didn't seem to hear Uehara's words clearly.

「What, nothing! Is this work of yours finished?"

Uehara hurriedly changed the subject, as if trying to remove the guilt in his heart.

「My work will end when I've returned the returned books to be placed into the shelves, it might take a little more time.」

「Then let me help too. Let this end faster?"

Uehara offered to help her.

「I'll help you too, that book. I basically know where the books are, so I can pack them faster. Uehara-san can wait in the classroom alone.」

Takai, who had been silent for a long time, said that he would help her instead of Uehara. But this sentence made Touyama feel an unbearable pressure.

「A-I understand... Then Takai-san, please. We'll wait in the classroom.」

Uehara, who was getting pressure on Takai, left the library.

「Wouldn't it be better if Uehara-san also helped?」

「Does Yuki want to be with Uehara-san more?」

「Not so...."

Toyama felt that Takai was rarely this emotional.

「Hey Yuki, you just got an erection right?」

「Eh? was just sexual arousal alone...」

「So...I'm also sexually aroused. So...we'll continue in my room later."

The libido that was cooled down by Uehara's appearance was revived by Takai's words, and Touyama felt his body start to heat up.

And today Takai always felt a little strange. Not only did he accept Uehara's karaoke invitation, but he also left his bite marks on Touyama in the library. Not only that, Takai also showed a sense of exclusivity. Touyama felt that Takai's mood seemed a little unstable.

「Let's pack up and go back to class, everyone is waiting.」

After all, it's not like I didn't understand what Takai was thinking, so Touyama didn't bring it up.

After Touyama and Takai finished the library committee work, they moved to the station with Uehara and the others.

In the group, only Touyama and Chihiro were male. Although Chihiro looked like a girl at first glance, but now she was wearing a man's suit, so it wasn't that she couldn't tell that she was a man. But from other people's point of view, it might feel that it was an inconspicuous boy walking with four girls.

Uehara, Aizawa, and Chihiro were the complete opposite of the rural Touyama and Takai. It was just a yin and yang feeling.

「What happened to Takai-san today? Even willing to go to karaoke with us.」

Takai, who was even more committed to acting alone than Touyama, how could his mood change from usual?

「Nothing. Since Uehara-san always invites me along, I feel like a nuisance and have no choice but to accept occasionally.」

「Haha, let's just say that.」

This was an honest statement that was unique to Takai.

To the words of Touyama, Takai remained silent.

Although it was true that Uehara always invited Takai, if it was Touyama's invitation, Takai would probably refuse. But Uehara got into Takai's heart like a communication expert and got a good answer from him.

It can be seen that Uehara is just trying to have a good relationship with Takai regardless of gain or loss.

Perhaps it was because of this that Takai knew that Uehara had no bad intentions, so he gradually opened up to her.

As soon as I came to the karaoke place, it turned out to be a one-man show between Uehara and Aizawa. After all, the two of them often came to karaoke, so they were used to singing a lot of good songs.

Between Uehara and Aizawa singing three songs each, Toyama and Chihiro sang one song with their own rhythm.

「What song is Takai-san going to sing? Eh? Not sure about the song? Look, isn't this song very famous, you should have heard it a few times?"

Takai said that he hasn't been to karaoke since middle school. Although I originally planned to listen to others sing, but Uehara said that the opportunity is rare, so let's sing something. As a result, Uehara and Takai chose a song together.

Eventually it was Takai's turn to sing.

Touyama, who usually only saw him in the classroom or library reading a book, or in a bed that was messy from being fucked, now saw Takai nervously holding the microphone, which was very refreshing.

After singing, Takai sat on the sofa with a sigh of relief.

「Takai-san sang very well! Your voice is also very good.」

Uehara praised Takai, who was sitting next to him, for how cute he was while singing. Hearing this, Takai looked very embarrassed, and seemed to see a hint of excitement on his usually expressionless face. This should not be an illusion.

Although Takai was not used to singing, Takai sang very well. Chihiro sang well too. Only Touyama received a subtle evaluation.

Touyama felt that he really didn't belong here, and felt a little uneasy.

「Why is Touyama a little anxious?」

Uehara, who was sitting beside the distant mountain, asked anxiously.

「No, I thought everyone sang really well or something.」

「Touyama can sing as long as you're used to singing. This kind of thing just needs to be sung a little more.」

「Is that so? I just heard that pitch delusions can't be cured.」

Touyama is just a pitch idiot, whose pitch is always out of tune when singing.

「Karaoke or whatever, as long as you sing happily. That's fine. As long as you practice more, you can become useful... Next time we'll practice together, okay?"

Uehara-san naturally invited Touyama.

「That's right, let's go karaoke together next time.」

Touyama, knowing Uehara's feelings, didn't know how to answer, but in order to keep Uehara from getting his hopes up, Touyama still answered politely.

「Gosh! Clearly this is a good reason to be alone with Touyama.」

Despite what Uehara said, he didn't look very sorry.

「Hmm I'm very happy. The members are different from usual, it feels really nice.」

On the way to the station after leaving the karaoke, Aizawa approached and whispered.

「Karaoke was really fun. Not only releasing the pressure, but also hearing Takai-san's singing, it's very satisfied.」

As a result, Takai only sang that one song, and Uehara and Aizawa basically spent the rest of the time.

「Did Takai-san have fun?」

Uehara asked Takai.

「Yes, it's fine.」

This should be a very subtle evaluation for a normal person. But considering Takai's feelings, it could be considered a good feeling.

「Um! That's good. Let's go play together next time.」

Uehara had a smile all over her face, and seemed to accept Takai's answer very happily.

Takai nodded silently.

Touyama and Takai were on the same line, while the other three were on different lines, so the group split up in front of the station and headed home.

Touyama agreed to go to Takai's house in the library after school.

Touyama, who was sitting next to Takai on the train, was excited to have a brutal fuck with Takai next to continue from the library.

At this moment, perhaps understanding Touyama's current mood, Takai, who was sitting next to, suddenly took his hand.

Takai's hand was soft and slightly warm.

Was Takai also looking forward to the next thing?

After getting off the train, the two of them walked silently on the dark night road.

Even without dialog, it was a very comfortable time for both of them.

「Yuki, wait a moment.」

When Touyama came to Takai's house, Takai entered first to check if anyone was home.

「Well, no one is here, please come in.」

Touyama heard Takai's words, who poked his head out from the entrance, Touyama was dragged into the house by Takai.

The two, whose sexual desire was high because of the library, were satisfying each other's bodies more intensely than usual. Finally, Takai became exhausted and lay down on the bed with his body completely naked.

「If Uehara-san and the others come to invite you again in the future, will you agree to play together, Takai?」

Touyama wanted to know if Takai came to karaoke today on a whim, or if his mood had changed.

「I don't know. But... I went to karaoke with everyone today. I felt a little happy because it's been a long time since I played with many people."

「Yeah... that's great. As long as Takai can continue to communicate with others like this little by little, I'll be happy.」

Considering Takai's family environment, the bad influence on him was also obvious at a glance.

However, as an ordinary high school student, Touyama couldn't possibly disturb his family, the only thing he could do was to at least make his school life feel happy.

「Hmm... like Yuki's recent changes, so should I...」

Takai did not continue the conversation anymore.

However, even if Takai didn't say anything, Touyama knew what Takai wanted to say.

Because, I'm just like you.

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