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[LN] Suki Na no Ni Kokuttara Futago no Imouto ga Omake de Tsuitekita - Volume 1 - Chapter 2

[LN] Suki Na no Ni Kokuttara Futago no Imouto ga Omake de Tsuitekita - Volume 1 - Chapter 2


Chapter 2 - Twin Sisters Seem to Exist

 The school was a five-minute walk from the station, and the nearest station was six trains away from home.

 It's not a short walk, but it's not too far either.

 Our high school is in a metropolitan area, so the trains are quite crowded in the morning and evening.

 The trains on the way home are also crowded with students returning from school depending on the time of day.

 It's not like it was so crowded that I couldn't move inside the train, but there was strangely empty space around me as I held on to the rope inside the train.

 There were times when I wondered if my body odor was too strong.

 However, I soon discovered that it was just me worrying.

 I was just scared.

 I'm 183 centimeters tall, I look skinny at first glance, but if you look at me closely, you can definitely see that I have muscles.

 I don't work out very often, but my constitution is easy to build muscle, so this is what happened.

 Most importantly, because of my staring eyes and slightly muscular features, one is easily intimidated by me.

 Because of my mild myopia, I sometimes squint my eyes unconsciously.

 Of course, I'm not threatening anyone.


 Suddenly, an office worker in a nearby seat looked at me and was startled.

 This person must be too afraid of me.

However, I was used to it, so even if he was afraid of me, it wouldn't hurt me.

 Even more so because I have something to think about today.

 No, you could say I'm in trouble.

 When shaken by the pounding of the train, my sharp eyes narrowed further and I was in trouble.

 Of course, I'm currently talking about my confession today after school.

 Tsubasa Yuzuki is a character who easily gets along with someone and is friendly to anyone. Of course, I'm not joking and I'm not making fun of her.

 But even I, who had little contact with Yuzuki, I knew that she wouldn't make such a joke.

 As she told herself, she is not the kind of person who enjoys cheating on someone who accuses her.

 Yuzuki is the pinnacle of the school caste-you could call her the school queen.

 Queens don't act arrogant.

 A tyrannical queen may have ruled the school in the past, but not now.

 Those who could not understand and care about their surroundings, who could not read the atmosphere, could not even be in the circle, let alone rise to the upper caste.

It doesn't matter if you are in the upper caste or the lower caste.

 She was like a democratic leader, not a dictator, who rose to the highest peak in the modern school.

 Well, aside from the modern leader theory, there is a man who has nothing but confesses to the upper caste woman, Yuzuki, which is me.


 Automatically Yuzuki's answer became serious.

 However, I answered YES to Yuzuki's offer.

 In other words, it's a 3P-no, I'm really going to pair up with Yuzuki's younger sister.

 That might be the best but it's not that either.

 Well, am I crazy?

It's easy to misunderstand, but if I were to date two girls, someone would probably suspect I had blackmailed her.

 Yes, I'm the kind of guy who is misunderstood and feared in many ways.

 However, Yuzuki wasn't afraid of me at all, she talked to me casually and let me call her by her name.

 She's an amazingly beautiful girl──

 I think her reasoning is a bit unreasonable, but it's natural to like her, right?

 I never thought that a guy like me could fall in love with a girl, but she fell in love with me, so what can I say.

 That's why, I gathered the courage to tell her how I felt, like now.

 Right after I answered her, another girl entered the classroom and started talking to Yuzuki.

 As expected, I couldn't even talk about my confession, twin sisters, or threesomes in front of that many girls.

 That's why I'm allowed to go home for now--


 When the train stopped at the station, a large number of passengers got off.

 There was a group of students who got into the train, and the inside of the train suddenly became cramped.

 Some people saw me and were surprised for a moment, but I didn't mind.

Unfortunately, I'm used to being scared by older people.


 Suddenly-I heard a faint voice.

 When I looked up, there was a girl right next to me.

 No, she seemed to have been pushed by the incoming students and came to my side.

 A white sailor suit──she looks like a student from the Shuuka school I mentioned earlier.

 She was wearing a beret with beautiful long black hair, large black-rimmed glasses, and a mask worn carefully so that his face could not be seen.

 His expression was unclear, but she seemed to be agitated.

 If I look closely again, it seems that the campus college student assholes are pushing him with their backs.

 Maybe the college students didn't realize it, but they couldn't resist bumping into a high school student whose body was probably soft.

 She staggered without being caught by the rope.

 If I had left her alone, she would have most likely sat on the chair right away...


Seriously... it's fine to chat, but look around.


 I suddenly cut a place between him and the students.

 I took the pressure off some of the students around her back area, and at the same time I guided her to the place where I was.

 What I had to hide was that I had been in the basketball club in junior high school.

 Since then, I've been active as a regular student since first grade, utilizing my tall body and physique.

 In particular, I'm very good at competing under the goal and utilizing screen-outs that push opponents away.

 Even against players who were bigger and heavier than me, I was never once defeated.

 It may be a more crowded train, but if I want, I can take up as many positions in the train as I want.


 Even the students who didn't notice the existence of the high school girl seemed to notice me, which was great.

 Although she was confused by me forcibly changing her position inside, she didn't complain.

 It would be troublesome to warn them loudly and it could also create a commotion, and the best thing to do is to suppress them quietly.

「I-I'm sorry.........」

「It's okay......」

 A girl in white thanked me in a pitiful voice.

 It was bad to scare her, so I turned my face away as I should.

 If she could see my face, she would probably be even more frightened.



 At that moment, the train shook violently - the girl in the sailor uniform was hit by my body because I was in front of her.

 Puyon, I heard a stupid crashing sound.

 I pressed hard on the chest of the sailor girl in front of me.

 What size, what elasticity, what softness!

Although the two of us are still wearing each other's uniforms, I wonder if the feeling is transmitted so far...!

「I'm sorry......」

「No... it's okay......」

 With my face turned away from her, I could only respond in an impolite manner.

 She has two hard bulges that push her harder than the rest- this woman, I suspect whether she did it on purpose.

 Sadly, I will remain loyal, so even if someone other than Yuzuki were to provide me with that kind of service, my heart would not waver.

My body reacted somewhat, but since I'm a healthy high school kid, please forgive me.

 Like that, I was often shaken by the train

 When we arrived at the station closest to our house, a group of college students started going to the door.

 I left the train without worrying whether I would get off at the same place.

 I was finally free of those two bulges, but I couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

 I wanted to enjoy the feeling of a high school girl's breasts a little more...

 No, wait. Stay calm.

Breasts are important, but there are other things to worry about.

 I've just been hit with the most trouble I've ever had in my life.

 Will I be able to sleep tonight...?







「...... What-what is it!?」


 Looking back, I heard a small scream.

「Hey, do you have something to say to me?」

 It was the girl in the sailor uniform earlier.

She got off the train, and when she exited the ticket gate, she was still following me behind me.

「Yo, can't I follow you if I don't need you?」

「Is most of your time so dull that you follow me?」

 I mean, you admit that you're as reachable as following me.

"I don't think that you did me a favor earlier, if that's what you just thought. Don't worry about it."

"That too. ...... Hey, aren't you listening to me?"

"Listening to what?"

"Uh, uh, ...... uh, ...... Come on! This way!"

 She grabbed my wrist and started walking away.

 She was very strong, which didn't match her quiet appearance.

 The girl in the sailor uniform moved to the corner of the station where the coin lockers were lined up.

She said, "Please wait here for a moment!"

"...... ha ha."

I nodded for the time being, and the girl in the sailor uniform took off her beret and black-rimmed glasses in front of me.

"I'm wearing these date glasses."

"Ah, really?"

 The glasses were not very stylish for a high school girl to wear.

"And then there's this... oh, this too."

 Then she quickly unbuttoned her black hair, which was tied back, and left it undone.

 Finally, she took off her makeup.

"I think your name is Fuuka, you can see your name on your sailor uniform. Or perhaps, you are Tsubasa Yuzuki's twin sister?"

"Huh? You told me that before I took off my makeup and showed you my face. Did you already know that?"

"Of course, I would have known if you had shown me so far, especially since I know your name because it's on your sailor uniform!!!"

 It's so abnormal for a girl I don't know to take me to such a lonely place without being afraid of my appearance.

 It's a sad story, but I can tell you that something like this will never happen.

Seventeen years of living as a person that people fear is no excuse.

 If there are exceptions...

 If there was an exception, it would be Yuzuki's sister, who I just found out about.

 Despite this, I'm not a boring person.

"I have no proof other than your similar names, but there's no harm in saying it and is it true?"

"Well, I understand ...... that you've heard it from Yuzu-nee."

"Yes, I have heard about it. ......"

 Although the hair, uniform, and atmosphere were different from Yuzuki's, the faces of the two of them were very identical.

 They looked so similar that you would think there was no margin of error, millimeter by millimeter.

"If you've heard it from my older sister, we can talk quickly.... Let's go."

"What? Go where?"

What is she talking about ......?

"If you date my older sister, Yuzu-nee, I'm coming as a bonus for you."

"Bonus, you're ......"

"I'll make you understand that. No, I'll make you understand that with my own eyes!"

She will definitely show! "Something scary!" to me.

 Those phrases are too horrible for me.

 Even God Himself wouldn't have been able to foresee that such a terrible event would come waiting for us, even though today was an ordinary day.

 As a high school student, I rarely took taxis.

 In my entire life, I probably never took a taxi without paying for it myself.

 However, Tsubasa Fuuka naturally got into a taxi at the station and took me with her, just like rich people do.

This woman lightly spent a lot of money just by taking a taxi with a calm face.

 We rode for about 10 minutes in the taxi.

 We got out of the taxi and I was shocked by the sight of what awaited me...

"Oh, the view is quite nice. I bet it's even more beautiful at night.


It's a famous hotel that even a high school student like me who rarely leaves home would know.

 I know it's not far from the nearest station to my house, but what's in front of me now is that hotel.

I thought inside my head, "...... Why am I in a place like this?"

"If I look at your face right now, you look like you have the exact same face shape as your older sister, Yuzuki."

"What's wrong with you all of a sudden?"

 "Well,......, you must look exactly the same since you two are twins."

To be honest, no matter how hard I try, I'm not sure that I can tell Yuzuki and Fuuka apart at all. If you want me to distinguish between the two of them, I'll just give up.

"I can't tell the difference any more clearly: ......."

 The most important thing to remember is that you can't tell them apart.

"......The two of us are often distinguished by people when they first meet us."

"That is common courtesy."

 I don't know which is usually considered rude or not.

 But it's equally rude to say that you know what you don't know.

"If you want me to distinguish between the two of you, of course I'll try to distinguish what's different about the two of you. But I'm not sure if the results will be correct."


 Fuuka burst out laughing, as if it did not match her meek appearance.

"I don't care if you can't tell us apart or not."

"Isn't that life too complicated?"

 I can still count the number of conversations I'm having with Tsubasa Fuuka.

 But I know - she's not a bad person.

 I'm too straightforward for my own good, but Fuuka is definitely more eccentric than I am.

If they even had the same hair color, they would be completely indistinguishable.

"Would ...... different hair colors be able to tell you two apart?"

"No, that's just a modeling statement." "Nowadays, it's normal for people to color their hair."


Yuzuki often keeps her hair down like at school, but sometimes it is tied up or braided.

 Indeed, Yuzuki seems to be the fashionable type with many hairstyles.

 Her dyed hair was an extension of her fashionable style. That's normal.

"As long as the colors are different, it doesn't matter which one is black and which one is brown. It's just that people might think it's weird if I have brown hair. As you can see, I'm a quiet type of person, so black hair suits me better."

"Well, it's easy to distinguish between you two if your hair color is different, even I can tell you two apart."

"I see."

"The actuality of certain things doesn't really matter."

 "Excuse me, can you bring me some light brown hair dye?"

"Yes, I will bring you some light brown dye."

"Wait, wait! Are you going to dye your hair the same color as your older sister's hair right here, right now!"

 ''I mean, can the hotel receptionist here buy some hair dye and bring it to me?"

 I guess Fuuka can't order it from room service. ...... No, is that even possible in a luxury hotel?

"No, I'll just try to show you that you don't need to know the difference."

"There's no need to point out such a thing. No, I'm well aware that you and Yuzuki look exactly the same. If you object to me distinguishing between the two of you, that's fine, I won't try it again."

"If that's the case, I'm happy. Oh, I'm sorry..."

In reality, there are certain things that look the same but don't really look the same.

"I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to touch me."

"That's it!"

"Where is it?"

"You're listening, aren't you? The fact that you can't get over a few of these. "

 If I think about it again, I agreed to go on a date with Fuuka because I really wanted to go on a date with Yuzuki, but I haven't heard ...... anything important about Fuuka's feelings.

"The first thing that comes to my mind is the fact that dating both of you at once is a big deal."

"I'm not bothered at all. The most important thing to remember is that you can consider me a bonus for dating my older sister."

 Fuuka shook her head.

 What was she talking about?

"The most important thing to remember is that you can't think of yourself as a bonus. How arrogant can you be? You know, it's not good to be asked out on a date by a guy you've never met before, right?"

"I haven't met you before right Maki-san, you talk like that right? How about this ............?"


I don't remember meeting her before, but she told me to look at her cell phone .......

"What are you talking about? Here, take a look at this."

"Smart phone? Can I see this?"

 I took the cell phone offered by Fuuka and looked at the screen.

 Inside the photo apk there, there was a photo displayed.

I wasn't sure if it was me or not.

"Isn't it me?"

 The person in the photo, it must be me.

 The background of the photo looks like it was taken on a train platform.

"I don't remember being photographed like this."

"I remember taking it."

"Of course you do! Because you have the photo here: ...... this is a hidden photo!"

"I'm sorry, ......! I can't help it, I have to take a picture of you. ....... I don't care if I have to take a photo of her secretly. "

 The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a picture of your own face and expect to get a good look.

"I'm actually used to it."

 "That's because ...... I don't just want to follow you from behind, I want to see your face when you get home."

"I mean ...... wait a minute. Didn't you just say something weird?"

"I just said that I was stalking you, Maki-san."

"I'm just stalking you Maki-san. Stalking?"

"It means following around people and making them feel uncomfortable."

"I don't want to listen to your explanation! You know what it means to make someone feel uncomfortable by being stalked!"

"If I had the guts to meet you in person, I would definitely do it. But for me, hidden cameras and stalking are the best things I can do. ......"


Okay, now, hold on.

 I'm not an idiot, and I'm not a character who likes to think.

 Let me get this Tsubasa Fuuka story straight and to the point...

"Maybe Fuuka has been interested in me for a while... is it like that ......?"

"Ah, yes, it's like that...."

 I wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not, but it was a good idea.

"Sorry, but I'll explain it to you properly. I have no secrets and I don't mean to hide anything. I don't want to stress you out. Stress-free is my principle."

 "I'd rather you come right out with the truth of the story than be too arrogant about it."

"It was in April, when the fresh spring breeze was blowing."


 It's only June now.

"I was riding the train as usual. With a clatter and a thud."

"No need for onomatopoeia, right?"

"Shuhua Girls is a school where many of the students are daughters of wealthy families, but it is basically forbidden for the students to go to school by car. The most important thing to remember is that you can't be a victim of crime. There is a possibility of being kidnapped for ransom or being targeted by terrorists."

It's a disgusting world. ......

"I wonder if kidnapping for ransom is happening in this country right now?"

 "I heard that it was rare in Japan in the past, but in this day and age with advanced communication systems and with many CCTVs all over the city, it would be easy to get help or evidence."

 "Besides, a young woman being targeted by terrorists is not a good time to go to school. Even if you are a rich young lady, you cannot survive in this day and age if you are naive. If you don't know how to drive a car, you'll be considered a fool, and you won't be able to get a wife."

I see. So that's how it works.

"It's not easy to call yourself a rich princess without hesitation."

"I've been traveling by train since I entered middle school,......."


 Hmmm, I can see where the plot is going from here.

"There have been many rather strange people who have come up to me. Two months ago, a middle-aged man in a neat suit stood next to me on the train and started panting and exhaling and kissing my hair. I don't know if he was sneaking around behind my back impudently, he was a pervert."

 "You were being molested then."

"It's hard to prove a crime just by smelling hair, he said. The nose does not have an open/close function, so sniffing is not a normal state."

I had never heard that before.

"I heard that the victim's testimony is important in persecution, but is it difficult to determine the culprit without physical contact?"

"I was in the middle of the train, and that middle-aged man was clearly sniffing my hair and sniffing my nose. It was so disgusting that I would have preferred him to touch my butt."

"Ouh, so that's why you don't like having your butt touched."

 I could tell that she didn't like it very much.

"That's when Maki-san showed up."


 I expected the story to be like that.

 I'm glad it didn't turn out to be a surprise, that it wasn't a middle-aged man who was molesting a female student, but it was actually me standing next to him.

"Maki-san mediated between me and the pervert as he had done before, and looked at him. Then Maki-san said, "Give me your business card and driver's license."


"I'm impressed by the fact that you ordered her to do what perverts hate the most. I'm also impressed that for someone who looks so cruel, she's surprisingly intelligent."

"Have you ever said anything bad about me?"


 But there's a good chance you did.

 I'm confident in my physical abilities, but I'm not an uncivilized barbarian, and if I were to use force, it would be to my detriment.

 Of course, an ordinary high school kid bossing around a middle-aged man would have little effect.

 Only when a young and handsome man like me when said so, would it be a meaningful threat.

 It is an outward appearance that is full of disadvantages, but it can be useful in some cases.

"...... Wait, are you saying that because I saved you from a molestation case, I can date your older sister and yourself as a bonus?"

"I'm a 15-something year old girl, remember? And also I'm a teenage girl, I'm not going out with someone out of reciprocation or anything like that, so I can easily fall in love with someone without any need for pleasantries."

"But that doesn't mean that you can't... ......"

 The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go out and get a new job.

 I'm getting embarrassed. ......

"I'm sorry, but it's hard to believe that you can go on a date with me just because I've helped you ....... I'm sorry, but it's hard to believe that right away."

"Yes, you're right. That's why I'm here to help you understand."

"I still don't understand why you brought me here."

Apparently, my conversation with Fuuka has been progressing at a very fast pace since some time ago."

"So, please pet me here. ......."


 Fuuka suddenly fell on the bed beside him like a doll whose string had broken.

Her long black hair and long skirt were spread out on the bed.

I said, "...... What are you doing?"

"I'm not pretending to be something I'm not. I'm not going to tell you what you're doing," she said. You can see this detail of my body anywhere, maybe you can see it from corner to corner."

"What do you want from me?"

"I just don't want you to be a goldfish on the chopping block!"

"I'm telling you, I don't really want to do whatever I want with the body of a girl I've never met before!"

"Look, Fuuka....I'll call you Fuuka because you're confusing me with your older sister."

"I get horny just by being called my name. ......"

 This woman, you don't have to think too much about it, you're just a pervert, right?

"I'll put it simply - take good care of yourself, Fuuka."

This is something that shouldn't be suitable for me to say.


 That's a very quick answer.

I'm sure it's not something you can afford to put out there, to be honest.

 Her face is exactly the same as Yuzuki, who was chosen as the reader's model, so she's a high-level pretty girl.

 In addition, her style is also outstanding, and her breasts swayed slightly when she leaned forward slightly on the bed.

 If she uses this as bait, she will definitely be able to catch as many stupid boys as she wants.

 I wonder how much profit I can get if I fall for her bait.

"I want to ask Maki-san, are you still a virgin?"

I don't like it when girls say those words.

I'll think about it. The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of a newborn is to make sure that it is a good one.

 "No comment."

 The bulging hemisphere that has asserted itself even on clothes - pure white skin!

 She deliberately twisted her body on the bed in a sensational pose that further emphasized her cleavage.

"Hey, hey, stop that!"

"I'm amazing when I'm undressed, you know?"

Why is this getting worse!

"But, I can't take off the skirt myself because it's embarrassing, so ...... Maki-san, please take it off."


 Fuuka lifted her knee-length pleated skirt slightly, revealing her white thighs.

 I had never met this girl before, but she had the same face as the girl I had long admired, and she was on top of the bed, showing off her almost naked body, unmistakably.

"This is your chance. If a girl says that she likes you - and she's pretty too - wouldn't you like to have her?"

"...... That's a wonderful thing to say."

 I think it's okay for me to fuck her right away, don't you?

I'm not a slow learner, but I'm not naive either.

 It would only exist in a manga or anime that a high school boy would end up in the dark in this situation without moving.

I already have someone I like.

I just wanted to look at her.

 But there was something else stirring inside me besides the feeling of love.


"Wait a minute!"


"Yuki Nee-chan!"

"What makes you guys look so surprised? I'm the one who's surprised here!"

 The door suddenly opened, and the one who rushed in like a cheetah chasing its prey was Yuzuki Tsubasa.

 Sweat was pouring down his face and he was breathing heavily with his shoulders rising and falling.

"Fuuka! What are you doing?"

"I'm taking the guy I just met today to go with me to the hotel."

"...... I see."

Yuzuki easily gave in to her Younger sister's direct words.

 The most important thing to remember was that you should never be afraid to ask for help from your friends and family.

"The first thing you need to do is put on your clothes again! I'm telling you, Maki isn't so weak that she would fall for you just because of something like this!"

"Is that so? She seemed to be in the mood for it for a minute. ......"

 What actually happened was "There was already a woman who wanted to get naked, but I wanted to caress her but didn't.

 I'm sure that even if I had said yes to dating the two of them, I would have lost a hundred years of love if I had pushed another girl in bed on the first day.


"...... Wait, Yuzuki. What are you doing?"

The first thing that came to my mind was the fact that the two girls here were the same.

 Two beautiful girls with the same face, side by side on a double bed, the view is quite impressive.

"I feel like I'm going to lose to my older sister."

"Why at this moment are you two lying on the bed?"

"But, Maki-san wants ...... to have a chance to do having, se-x......, right?"


"Maki, you're thinking about it aren't you? If you want the three of us... I'd be fine with that too, ......."

"If you say it openly, it's hard for me to do it."

I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

"I'm not sure how you found me?"

"I got a message from Fuuka. She said she would bring Maki to this hotel right now."

"When did you get the message......?"

"I called her in the taxi when we were on our way here."

"And for that matter, where is the key? How did you open it?"

I'm a very detail-oriented guy.

 Yuzuki sat on the bed.

"This hotel is ours. If I ask the manager, he'll at least give me the key."

"Oh, this hotel belongs to Yuzuki...what?"

"It's not a big deal, don't worry about it."

No big deal, don't worry about it. ......

 This luxury hotel belongs to the Yuzuki family?

 Is Tsubasa's family very rich?

In fact, the actual hotel is much more expensive than the one in the alley, not that the Tsubasa family has much money.

"I still don't understand the story."

"You'll find out soon enough. I won't waste my time with you."

"You talk like my older Sister."

"That's because we're Twin sister. Seeing it in person makes you believe it. Let's go."

"Again? Go where?"

"Yes. You'll see for yourself."


 Where will he take me this time?

 I had already reached the limit of my processing power with just my confession to Yuzuki, my meeting with Fuuka, and this hotel.

 How much more are you going to do to force me ......?

 I'm starting to regret telling him about my feelings...

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"If you like this light novel, please help me with a donate to buy raw materials for future projects or encourage me to continue this light novel."

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