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[LN] Suki Na no Ni Kokuttara Futago no Imouto ga Omake de Tsuitekita - Volume 1 - Chapter 5

[LN] Suki Na no Ni Kokuttara Futago no Imouto ga Omake de Tsuitekita - Volume 1 - Chapter 5


Chapter 5 - Both Of Them Seemed To Want To Tell The Truth.

 The Tsubasa family's 3LDK house had two bathrooms and two toilets.

 One for boys and one for girls──in other words, the two of them and I would use them separately.

 To be honest, sharing a bathroom and toilet with girls of the same age was embarrassing, so I was grateful.

 As expected, the two of them who are girls will be more embarrassed than myself.

 And to be honest, I'm still not sure about living in this house...

「Ahhhh, I feel relieved.....」

 When I told Yuzuki and heard such a strange answer, I felt like not wanting to come to anything.

 However, when I was eating and bathing and calming down, the feeling of what I had done came up.

Yes, actually, I had taken a bath.

 Although the bathroom was very luxurious, the size of the bath was still reasonable.

 But still, it was bigger than my family's (Maki) modest bathroom, and I was surprised to find the bathroom separate from the bathtub and washing area.

 Was it necessary to separate them, huh?

 There was also a jacuzzi, and a monitor that I could see while soaking in the bathtub, it was connected to the internet as well as the TV, and I could also operate it with a waterproof touch panel.

 I've gone too far.

 It's nice that I don't have to do anything other than raise and lower the chopsticks.

TL/N: I mean, Maki here is that she's useless when living with the Twins, all she can do is eat, the burden of a family like you, oops. Sorry, I accidentally typed it.

「Fiuh... If I stay here, I will definitely become a useless person.」

 After taking a shower, I'm now relaxing in my room.

 It doesn't feel like my own room when I was in my old house, but since there's this soft pillow that makes me feel like I'm sitting on a cloud, it makes me feel very at home here.

「Maki-san, are you alright?」


 Just when I thought there was a knock on the door, Fuuka walked into the room.

「Is something wrong, Fuuka?」

「No, do you want to lounge around in the living room? It's still nine o'clock, so it's too early to sleep」

「Oh, oh yeah? Did Fuuka just finish taking a bath? 」

 Fuuka was wearing a short-sleeved white dress whose dress could flutter.

 At first glance, it doesn't look much different from the previous loungewear, but it's probably nightwear.

 Her flowing hair looked a little damp.

「Yes, we just went upstairs. At home, we took a shower right after we finished eating."

「It's different for Peach house.」

 Our ramen shop is until 10pm, and it takes more than two hours to clean up and prepare for the next day.

 Since I was so busy, I finished my meal and bath separately.

 Even if it's just bathing, there are local rules such as before eating and before going to bed.

If the Tsubasa family says they're going to take a bath after dinner, then I should follow suit.

 I follow the customs here if it's certain that I'll stay here, that's how the story goes.

「For now, please come to the living room and chat together. Yuzu-nee will be here soon」

「Oh, yeah」

 Fuuka grabbed my hand and pulled me forcefully.

 Even at the station earlier, I was also pulled by Fuuka like this.

 She looks like a gentle twin sister, but she might be similar to her older sister who is strong inside.

 Also, it might be because Fuuka is wearing pajamas, so, the fabric is thinner than the loungewear just now, and the skin underneath looks transparent.

 It looks like the line of her panties is floating on her ass... Oh no, I should stop saying that in my mind.

 It makes me look like a pervert.

 For now, back to the living room.

 Fuuka recommended sitting on the sofa.

 The sofa is soft and fluffy, and its softness can make people like me useless.

「Oh, how is your bath? Do you understand how to use it?」

「Ah, because Yuzuki already taught me how to use it. Although I still don't know what to do with Yoso's bath, and I only understand a little bit of what you've taught me, but it's okay with that.」

 Especially for the men's bath in a high-class hotel, the equipment is too modern... I'm afraid I'll ruin it by touching it here and there.

 If I hadn't been taught by Yuzuki, I would have gone back and forth just to turn on the hot water.

「I'm happy with that. The bath tool has various functions, so feel free to ask me anytime if you have any problems with it.」

「No, I can't invite Fuuka to the bathroom....」

 It's like I'm dating a girl my age and I'm telling her to serve me while I'm bathing naked.

 Don't you understand that men feel embarrassed when they see her taking a bath?

「There's an intercom over there, that's the fastest bell to actually call us?」

「I want to emphasize common sense over speed」

「Common sense? That's hard for us. It seems like we ourselves are already far from common sense」

「Good enough for you guys who already realized it (Self-aware)」

 The twins who were destined to synchronize in a strange way, are beautiful, and also very rich.

 The two of them obviously don't have much to do with common sense.

「But Maki-san doesn't make sense either, does she? If you think about it normally, you wouldn't help a girl being molested or a girl being bullied, would you?」

「Really? There's nothing wrong with me about that, I mean it's normal for humans to help someone who is being bullied, so I helped her?」

「No, the other person would definitely not be there to help. Or rather, there must be a loss. People who do things like molesters have screws in their heads, so if they get involved with random people, they'll go crazy and not know what they're going to do.」

「You're looking at things in a rather pessimistic way. ......」

 Or rather, that's all you want to say.

 There is no need to cover up what things the persecutor did, so you can say as much as you like.

「The people who bully Yuzu-nee constantly have similar traits. Yuzu-nee looks flashy, strong, and relaxed like that....」

「Don't just talk about her like that?」

「That's nonsense, isn't it? When we are constantly in a relationship, I can't resist and follow you, like, what are you doing? I also want to thank Maki-san for helping Yuzu-nee.」

 Fuuka ignored my tsukkomiku and continued her explanation, finally her face broke into a bright smile.

 Well, putting aside this guy's little sister nonsense──

「Fuuka doesn't need to thank me for helping you from the pervert on the train.」

「Have you forgotten, we twins sisters are awesome together?」

「Hmm......? What does that mean?」

「If there was a Yuzu-nee taken somewhere and had an experience that I can't tell anyone about, I might also have the same cruel experience in another place..」

「Well, that's thinking too much- isn't it?」

 Is it possible for twins to synchronize mind and body even in such incidental matters?

 If this Tsubasa family's twins' synchronicity is extraordinary, could it be...?

「What are you two talking about?」

「Ah, Yuzu-nee」

This time, Yuzuki appeared in the living room.

 Her hair was down like her sister, and also a little damp.

 A white camisole with obvious cleavage, and dark blue shorts that exposed her thighs.

 This is also not much different from the previous loungewear, and the level of exposure is outstanding - this is their home.

 It's natural to relax in comfortable clothes after taking a bath, so I can't complain.

 *Twink Clink* Her swaying breasts and white-colored thighs are also quite disturbing for men with white thighs...

「I should get a pear to chat with just the two of you. What is it?」

「No, Maki-san and Yuzu-nee are talking about lewd things」

「I'm not talking about it like that!?」

「Being lazy and lewd... who said that??」

「No doubt you! On top of that, you added extra horrible words!」

「What exactly are you talking about?」

「Is it alright」

 Yuzuki sat on the sofa without worrying about our conversation.

Between this sister of hers, maybe she's not that bad.

 Even if it's fine──

 The twins are on both sides of me again.

 Will this positioning become the default in the future?

「So how was the bath, Maki?」

「Aahhh, ahhhh」

 I repeated the answer I had told Fuuka earlier.

「It looks like Maki will be able to live here without any problems. Is this a good house?」

「It's too comfortable for me to be in this house. The house we share with the ramen shop is a broken down house that's already 30 years old.」

「It's true that the ramen shop is very old. But it still looks beautiful, doesn't it?」

「Yes, the shop is clean, and I don't think the house is that old.」

「Well, it's not in the Showa era, so our ramen shop doesn't have many customers, and they look old--wait a minute!」

I took turns looking at Yuzuki and Fuuka's faces.

 Ah, the hassle of looking at both of their faces when they are both sitting to my left and right.

「Have you two ever come to my house!?」

「Why, of course. I will look into the house of the person I like. If you open a shop, I'll take a look. Maki was also working when we went to your shop.」

「I didn't realize that at all....」

「I disguised myself so that Maki-san wouldn't notice me. So here it is」

 Fuuka showed me the screen of her smartphone.

 What was displayed was a photo of Yuzuki and Fuuka wearing black-rimmed glasses and a hat, taking a selfie.

 She looks like she's in a secret disguise. I don't understand this.

 She also photographed the ramen itself appropriately.

 I can't look wrong anymore. Shinryuu bowl, an offering from my father.

「Ah, sister Maki is active in customer service, isn't she?」

「The girl is small and cute. The bright red Chinese dress looks good on her」

「Her Younger sister is also wearing a mini skirt cheongsam, can't she be taken home?」

「......She is our precious signboard girl, so we don't accept takeout.」

 They seem to like my little sister, Wakaba Maki.

 It's okay to admit that she has a cute face that I don't think she's related to.

 However, it seems that even the two of them were tricked by my little sister's sotozura, heheh...

「No problem. See you again, oops」

「I wonder if I can talk to your sister at the dinner table if I give her a tip」

「The Shinryuu shop doesn't even offer such a service. ......」

 What am I supposed to do with middle school girls, these two?

「Wah, that's boring. Ah, Maki just does the dishes and dishwashing duties.」

「Leave me alone. Customers would also want to be served by my beautiful younger sister rather than her older brother who has a sullen face like me, right?」

「I would be very happy if Maki-san would serve me.」

「......Not one customer in a hundred will come if I serve them.」

No, in the 20 years of Shinryu's history, not even one person would come if I served him. Oh yeah, I still haven't lived for twenty years.

「It tastes good, Maki's ramen. I also added half of fried rice because it was recommended.」

「Maki-san's brother is very good at business. I was also recommended so I also added dumplings.」

「Wakaba, you will be greedy for the first time customer....」

 My little sister is good at begging, especially male customers who order too much so they can't eat when recommended by her.

 My little sister's specialty is manipulating people.

 When a customer is about to leave the food, she deliberately walks past the table and puts on a sad face, I'm afraid that the customer's stomach will explode sooner or later.

「I mean, it's not a flavor that people living in Tawaman like this.」

「This is also crazy. We're humans like Maki, aren't we? If Maki thinks it's delicious, we'll feel that way too.」

「Well, my dad's ramen is pretty good if it's like that--no, no.」

「We don't eat French food or kaiseki every day. I just eat with egg over rice, natto, etc.」

「......That's common」

 I don't feel guilty about being praised for our ramen, but...

 Come to think of it, the dinner I had eaten earlier was a pork chop, so perhaps I'm surprisingly unsatisfied with my eating habits.

 It would be hell if I ate fancy pasta, salads, and other femininity foods every day.

「yeah? wait a minute. Yuzuki, Fuuka, are you paying attention to me? Well, you can't eat complicated food every day, but it's hard for you to eat food that suits me as a man, isn't it?」」

 It feels like hell for me to eat nothing but pasta and salad.

 Isn't it hard for the Tsubasa family's twin brothers to eat vitamin-rich, nutritious and healthy foods that high school boys like?

「Maki knows very well. You seem to accept what is offered to you without hesitation」

「We also eat what we like. After all, the three of us will live together. Don't worry」

「Alright then....」

「But Maki. Can I love you more?」

「Right, you can eat whatever you want, right?」

「Is it okay to eat now, I've finished eating-─」

「Freya, light the moonshine」

《Alright, I'll change the lighting to moonshine》


 Pah, the lighting in the living room switched to dim light.

 It has a strange atmosphere, as if the moonlight is shining dimly.


「It's a smart speaker. Since it won't respond to anything other than the registered voice, I'll also ask Maki to register her voice to it later.」

「Oh that sounds good. ......」

 It wasn't implemented in Maki's family, but I know about smart speakers.

Smart speakers not only play music, but can also operate home appliances.

 But why is the lighting suddenly dim like that...?



「Oh, yeah!」

 Suddenly, the two of them hugged my body from the left and right sides.

 Double the flavor of the two soft bulges...!

「You've finished eating rice and bathing. All that's left is to enjoy the night, right?」

「Just enjoy the two of us?」

「Look, what are you two doing... hey, hey......!」

 I think the two of them are hugging tightly with my body in the middle.



Chuu, my lips are overlapping.

 Yuzuki's soft lips pressed against mine--chuu, and pressed again until a sound was heard.

「Yuzuki, snow moon......?」

「We forced our feelings on Maki. We are fated twins and such things have nothing to do with Maki. But we also want to understand your feelings as much as possible」

「That's why you guys are doing this. ......!」

 I never thought I would kiss you on the same day that I told you my feelings.

 Especially this was done while being hugged by the twin sister of my crush.

「Currently, Maki-san likes Yuzu-nee. I know that too. I'm still an idiot」

「No, that's not it」

I shook my head so that I could see his gloomy face clearly even in the dim light.

「You said it was a bonus after many times, but I don't think so. Since I decided to date you too, Fuuka, you're also my girlfriend now.」


 Fuuka shouted softly and hugged me even tighter.

「Whoa! Anyway, Maki-san's choice It makes me happy, but I still consider myself a bonus. That's why - at least, the first kiss should be with Yuzu-nee, who Maki-san likes....」

「I'll do it once, so next time it'll be Fuuka's turn, that's also good」

「You've got permission......」

「Oh, hey......」

 Huh... Fuuka hesitated and placed her lips on top of mine against each other.

 It's not that they're twins--but I feel that their tenderness is exactly the same.

「Ah, you finally got here, Yuzu-nee」

「Really, it's been a long time!」


 Yuzuki put her hand on my cheek and kissed me repeatedly.

 Meanwhile, Fuuka pressed her lips to my cheek repeatedly.

「It's my turn, Yuzu-nee......」

「Annh, just a little more......!」

 Fuuka grabbed my cheek and continued to kiss me forcefully.

「Hmm, chuh, nnh...Maki-san...」

「This one too...chu, nn, chu, chu......」

 While Yuzuki and Fuuka took turns to kiss me, their lips overlapped.

 I no longer knew where she was being kissed.

「Oh, hey... wait, wait a minute!」

「......You don't like it?」

「......Do you not like it?」

「Not that. That's not what I meant...」

 I grabbed both of their shoulders with both my hands and hugged them.

「Of course, I fell in love with Yuzuki first. However, I declared that I would date together with you two. I didn't mean to discriminate between the two!」

「eh what's that? ......」

「eh what do you mean? ......」

 This may be different from a man's masculinity.

 However, I accept Yuzuki and Fuuka to be my girlfriends.

「Even if perhaps one of you two will come first--in my heart, I will accept both of you at the same time! Yeah... ok, stick out your tongues!」


「My tongue?」

 While confused, Yuzuki and Fuuka stuck out their sweet tongues.

 I too stretched my tongue and intertwined it with both of their tongues.



 Yuzuki and Fuuka looked surprised for a moment, but they immediately licked my tongue from the other side as well.

 It's hard to match the lips of two people at once, but the tips of our tongues can intertwine like this.

It's quite difficult, but--

「Hmm, chu, chururu......」

「Hmm, hmm, chu, chu......」

 The three of us intertwined our tongues with each other, sometimes our tongues overlapped on our lips, and intertwined our tongues again.

 I put Yuzuki's tongue into my mouth and sucked on it, and once I let go, I also put Fuuka's tongue into my mouth and did the same.

 Taste the twins' lips and tongues, hug tightly, kiss again and intertwine their tongues with each other again.

「hmm, hmm, hmmm!」

「Phew, nn, churu, nn, nnnn!」

 They both trembled and leaned against me irritably.

「What, what, with this kiss... how could it possibly become like this?」

「After all... we are....」


 I made Yuzuki and Fuuka sit on the sofa and hugged their shoulders.

「Ha, yes... we're twins destined for each other... our emotions and actions are in sync... but there's more than one characteristic to being twins. There are two of us, and we have two characteristics──」


「Twin sisters ─ sharing the feelings of two people only」

「Twin sisters ─ sharing feelings with two people only」

「Twin sisters...? What does that mean? ......?」

 Even if I'm told to share the feelings of just two people, I can't understand it well.

「I like Maki. Fuuka also likes Maki. We have two "likes", right?」

「I share the "likes" of those two people. Roughly speaking, we have twice as many emotions as other people.」

「Twice......? That's it......」

「Our love is heavy. I guess you could say it's excessive... When we fall in love with ourselves, we can't help ourselves. Like right now」

「We really like what we like. We share our emotions, especially the stronger emotions, the easier it is to share them. The feeling of falling in love is the highest among other emotions」

「I love you too much... what does that mean...?」

「Yes, that's hard to understand」

「I understand」

 Yuzuki and Fuuka chuckled and continued kissing me right away.

 I was disappointed and lost my strength, but I seem to have recovered again.

「A long time ago, the dog we had first became neurotic because we liked it too much, and in the end our dog was taken in by our relative's house. Patrasche soon recovered, and despite being old, she still lives happily.」

「Mother missed us so much that she was hospitalized because she was tired of babysitting. Soon after, there were many caregivers, and the affection spread and everything went smoothly.」

「In other words, those you love ─ ─ too much, will be destroyed?」

 The love of a child can be cute, but it can also be scary.

 Being loved, being loved can be a burden--not that I don't understand it.

My younger sister, Wakaba, was also loved by her father, but she seemed upset.

 Maybe it's not the same with twins, but there are many examples of how affection can become stressful.

 In Yuzuki and Fuuka's case, it was an extreme thing-so what?

「Yes. That's why we couldn't like anyone. But suddenly I fell in love with a man」

「Our feelings of love... can you accept it?」

 This time the twins kissed my cheeks simultaneously.

 After thinking about it for a moment, I...

「Of course, once I say I'll accept it, I won't withdraw it! Double love? Isn't that beautiful and thrilling」

 Hug my two girlfriends tightly together.

「I'm not good enough to get my heart broken so easily. Oh, come as much as you want! I'll accept everything--I'll attack from here too! I'm still a healthy high school kid.」

「Wow! That's why I like Maki!」

「Kyaah! I got accepted too!」

 After kissing Fuuka, I kissed Yuzuki, then the three of us intertwined our tongues with each other.

 Geez... this is amazing to say the least.

 Beautiful twin girls, and they love me excessively.

 That's okay.

 If it were me, I could do as much as I want to love both of them...

 I'll take attacks from both of them...!

 No, maybe I can't do it.

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"If you like this light novel, please help me with a donate to buy raw materials for future projects or encourage me to continue this light novel."

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