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[LN] Suki Na no Ni Kokuttara Futago no Imouto ga Omake de Tsuitekita - Volume 1 - Chapter 6 - Part 4

[LN] Suki Na no Ni Kokuttara Futago no Imouto ga Omake de Tsuitekita - Volume 1 - Chapter 6 - Part 4


Chapter 6 - It Seems That The Two Of Them (Twins) Are Going To Carry Out An Attack. (Part 4)

After school──

 I'm going home alone today.

 Even if I tell myself I'm going home, I'm going back to Tsubasa Sister's apartment.

 If the package arrives, I should hurry home and get to work.

 Going home with Yuzuki would make me worry about what others think of me, so I should probably refrain from doing so.

 Besides, Yuzuki would also need time to spend with her friends.

 I ended up with a strange relationship with myself, but I'm sorry that I'm going to change both of their lives so much.

After changing shoes at the shoe locker and about to leave the school building──

「Wait a moment, Maki-kun」


 When I turned around, Riina Takaya was there.

 She has short black hair with a red colored hairband and a slender body.

 I knew she really liked to dance, so her gait felt limber.

 Subconsciously, I looked at Takaya - remembering what happened in the girls' locker room, my heart was pounding.

 This was definitely the first time this person had spoken to me alone.

 In other words──

「I'm sorry, but do you have free time now?」

「I'm sorryyyyyyy!」

「What, why all of a sudden?」

「No, it's about physical education, isn't it? it's so bad!」

 I straightened my back and bowed my head deeply.

I'm not making excuses. This is my fault, so I have no other choice but to apologize.

「Physical Education...? About what? What are you apologizing for?」

「Eehhh? Is that wrong?」

「It's what's going on in physical education class?」

「You were dancing in the girls' locker room today while listening to music」

「Dancing? How does Maki-kun know about that?」

「Because I was hiding behind the curtain at that time」


 Takaya rolled her eyes and her face turned red.

 Her flashy appearance doesn't suit her, and his reaction is quite like a girl.

「And also, could it be... the confession room? You're hiding in there?」

 And this was not the time to think about lewd things.

 No matter how Takaya reacts, I have no other choice but to apologize.

「I'm sorry! I've seen your tank top. I don't care if you report it to school or if you want to turn me in to the police!」

「Wait a minute. First of all, why is Maki-kun in the girls' locker room── Wait, Yuzu?」

 Ah... Takaya let out a small sigh and looked up at the sky.

「What are you doing, are you an idiot? Oh, I get it, I get it no matter what the reason is, you don't usually sneak into the women's locker room to peek, right?」

「......Yuzuki invited me. I could have just walked out of the locker room」

「Haa...... Well, no. It was nothing, and maybe you and I are also victims of Yuzu, so forgive me too」

「No, the victim must be Takaya......」

 As expected, Takaya seems to have a good understanding of Yuzuki's personality not knowing what she's going to do...

「ho, is it really alright?」

「Yes, It's fine, and also remember and don't do anything weird anymore! that's all!」

 With her face dyed red, Takaya said curtly.

「Alright. I'll swear to remember and not do anything weird again」

「No need to repeat it again! It's too embarrassing...!」

 With an embarrassed look on her face, Takaya used her hand as a fan to fan her face.

「Hey, that's the end of this story! No re-steaming! More importantly... it's about Yuzu, what I want to ask is」

「My relationship with Yuzuki...?」

 To be honest, I was relieved that the main subject wasn't peeping, but it would have been a problem if it was about Yuzuki.

「No, this is just my curiosity, it's because everyone cares about you. Maki-kun, why are you hanging out with Yuzu again?」


 That means, Takaya is only worried about Yuzuki's friendship with me as her friend.

 That's right, because Yuzu, the top caste of the school, suddenly became friends with a gloomy boy.

 I was in the lower caste, I was at a level beyond the caste.

 There is nothing disproportionate about Tsubasa Yuzuki.


「......I'm dating with Yuzuki」

「Eh, seriously?」

 The only way to dispel Takaya's suspicions was to tell the truth.

 I can't reveal the twins' secret from my mouth, but I'll definitely feel guilty if I keep lying to Takaya even if she lets me peek at her.

「Many people have already confessed to Yuzu, but Maki-kun... I'll wait for the answer for you. Could it be that Yuzu said okay??」

「That... I can't say」

 For now, Yuzuki told me to just treat her as a friend.

「It's kind of a soft story... Just to be sure, I'll just confirm one thing, but, does Maki-kun really like Yuzu?」

「You're not wrong at all. I really love Tsubasa Yuzuki」

「...... Somehow, when hearing this makes me feel embarrassed. Ah, oh oh」

Takaya also fanned her face with her hand as a fan.

「Yuzu keeps getting recognition from people like that, but it's very rare to see someone this frank... or rather, this might be the first time..」


 The reason the twins like me is probably because I'm special.

 If Takaya, who is Yuzuki's best friend, said that, there's no doubt that I've changed.

「Come to think of it, has Takaya-san been friends with Yuzuki for a long time?」

「Ehhh? Hm, probably not. We've been friends since we entered high school. Well, I haven't heard much about Yuzu's middle school days.」

「Then about the twin-─」


 I immediately covered my mouth when I wanted to talk about dangerous topics.

 Does she know that Yuzuki has a twin sister, I almost asked about that.

 Damn, twins-even if I hide it, I can't get it out of my mouth.

 Takaya looks close to Yuzuki, and my mouth almost slipped to talk about the topic of Yuzuki having a twin sister...that's really dangerous.

「No, it's okay」

「Yes? Twins...does Maki-kun know that I'm a twin?」


 For a moment, I didn't understand what she was saying.

 However, Takaya didn't say anything complicated.

「Eh...wait a minute. Takaya-san also-- Takaya-san has a twin that so??」

「That's right, I'm not hiding anything. Well, my sister is not a student here」

「Does she attend Yose?」

「Hmm... for various reasons, my sister doesn't attend school. It's not like he was expelled or skipped school」


 If that's the case, I can't imagine it.

But that's strange.

 Following Yuzuki and Fuuka, Takaya also has a twin sister.

 I've never seen twins in my seventeen years of life, but in the past few days, I've known of two people who had twins.

「Or rather, I'm fine with this. Then about Yuzu」

「Oh, oh」

「I used to think it was strange that Yuzu was so popular that she would be popular until death, but she didn't date anyone.」

「You haven't changed. Um... isn't it just that there aren't any couples that match your taste?」

 Takaya would never have guessed that I was dating a partner who could date her twin sister.

「Yuzu has a lot of things to worry about. I don't know why I feel like I haven't opened my heart to anyone yet」

「On the contrary, you're the kind of person who's friendly with everyone, aren't you?」

「That's right」

 Takaya made a displeased face.

Since Yuzuki had the secret of having an overly special twin sister, she might have drawn the line to someone else somewhere.

 Since Takaya is close to Yuzuki, he might be sensitive to that.

「The thing that bothers me the most is--I don't know what to say,'s kind of divine」

「Or for God's sake?」

「Do you understand the meaning?」


 Literally, it's like being possessed by God.

 Or it could be a state where you can only see a god living inside you, where you can see inhuman words and deeds.

「It just happened recently」

「What is it?」

「While I was singing at the karaoke place, Yuzu suddenly said quietly, "Ah, it's raining." How could she know it was raining outside when we were still inside the karaoke room? There were no windows, and it was too noisy to hear the rain. By the way, I wasn't looking at my smartphone, so I didn't see the weather information.」


  The fate of the two twins──I wonder if Fuuka was outside and got caught in the rain.

 Will the twins be able to see such things?

「I often find her staring not unlike a cat. That might be the secret of her mysterious popularity.」

「......I didn't realize that」

「It seems like you're very careful in class. If I wasn't a person who often hangs out after school, you wouldn't have noticed」

 For some reason, Takaya was proud of that.

 I think I stare at Yuzuki a lot too, but she doesn't realize that side of her at all.



「Yuzuki doesn't want Takaya to worry about such things and wants you to be friends with her normally.」

 Yuzuki limited the people she revealed the secret that she had a twin sister to.

 It wasn't that she didn't trust Takaya, it was because she was too strong to want to change the comfortable relationship with her.

 I have a wild guess like this, but I think so.

「...... I thought Maki-kun's face and atmosphere were scary, but my image of you has changed.」

「I'm scary and bad. You don't have to be afraid of my face and aura. Besides, I didn't mean to intimidate the people around me.」

「I guess so. When it comes to Yuzu, you talk a lot. You seem to know more than me」

「It seems that I've also misled Takaya-san──No, am I wrong?」

 I smiled wryly and shook my head.

「That's right, maybe I've taken it for granted that I'm too afraid of you」

「Yes, everyone is wrong. So am I. I'm sure you still misunderstand me」

「If you don't make an effort to explain your misunderstanding, I might cause trouble for Yuzuki.」

「......I don't know why, Maki-kun's thoughts are centered on Yuzu all the time?」


 To be precise, my thoughts are centered on the Tsubasa Family's Daughters Yuzuki and Fuuka.

 Ever since I became the girlfriend of those two twins, I have to think about them all the time.

 I can't let my desires go and just play with their feelings.

「I think maybe I don't know anything about Yuzu either. Unexpectedly, Maki-kun might be the trigger for me to step up to know more about Yuzu」

「I hope that will happen」

「Yes, well, we might not get along right away, but we might get along little by little」

「Ah ah, yes」

I tightly grasped the right hand that Takaya extended.

 It was a small and soft hand.

 Yuzuki's best friend, having a twin sister like the Child of the Tsubasa Family──

 Somehow, I feel that my relationship with Riina Takaya will change greatly from before.

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"If you like this light novel, please help me with a donate to buy raw materials for future projects or encourage me to continue this light novel."

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