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[LN] Suki Na no Ni Kokuttara Futago no Imouto ga Omake de Tsuitekita - Volume 1 - Chapter 7 - Part 1

[LN] Suki Na no Ni Kokuttara Futago no Imouto ga Omake de Tsuitekita - Volume 1 - Chapter 7 - Part 1


Chapter 7 - Both of Them (Twins) Seem to Want to Be Maids (Part 1)

It's obvious, but I'm still not used to living in a tall apartment building.

 After all, I had lived in a cramped old house and shop for seventeen years.

 It would be hard for me to get used to suddenly having to live in a high-rise building equipped with automatic locks, entrances, elevators, concierge, and so on.

Getting off the elevator on the top floor of Granlivesia Eihama.

 Open the door with the card key I received and go inside.

 The twins said, "I didn't give it to you, it's yours."

 From the very bright and liberating entrance, I walked through the corridor to the living room.

 There was no cardboard in the entrance or hallway. I wondered if the contractor had brought it to my room.

 I suddenly realized it. From the living room, there were voices-no, I heard voices.

 Yuzuki had returned home without a detour, and Fuuka seemed to be home.

「I'm back──」

「「Come back, Master!」」

「...... Why did you two become maids, you two」

 The two of them waited in front of the living room door.

 They lowered their heads simultaneously and raised their heads at the same time too.

 This is a terrifying synchronicity of movement.

Both Yuzuki and Fuuka are wearing black dresses and white lacy aprons - the so-called Maid outfits.

「You're in a bad mood huh, Maki.」

「This is where you're supposed to sexually harass your maid, by saying, "Heh, heh, why am I not greeted with a welcome home kiss'', shouldn't you, Maki-san?」

「Should I go home and do my work, or something like that」

 However, it was the sensational outfit that made me want to sexually harass her.

Yuzuki was wearing a mini camouflage outfit, and with a slight movement of her body, I could see her panties.

 Fuuka's chest was wide open, and her cleavage was clearly visible.

 Wearing maid outfits that look the same but have different points makes me confused one by one.

「Why are you two suddenly wearing maid outfits like this!?」

「It's a maid outfit used by our family in the past.」

「When we were kids, we wore this」


 The length of her skirt and the wide open chest.

 Is that maid really just doing housework...?

「Or rather, does the Tsubasa family really have a maid these days?」

"Oh, my chest and Yuzu's miniskirt have been redressed. The maids that work in our house are professionals, so they don't wear sexually arousing costumes like this."

「Sexual, Hey」

「Now the Maid's outfit is just a regular shirt, pants, and apron. That's so boring」

「......Maybe because Maid's image has changed」

 I'm not familiar with it, but there are maid cafes, and it seems to be a standard costume for erotic videos.

 It might not be popular now to dress up a maid in maid clothes.

「Well, some maids are so concerned about their appearance that they wear classic maid outfits.」

「Oh, those people have changed」


 To be called 'changed' by these twins, those few Maids must have really changed.

 I will never get close to the head of the family of the Tsubasa family.

「But what about the Maid's clothes... what do you guys think about that?」

「The Maid outfit has a lot of destructive power, so I think I'll put it off for later.」

「However, being stingy is a bad move. We've said everything we need to say, now all that's left is to attack with all our might.」

「......Is it offensive to wear Maid clothes??」

 Even so, the destructive power is certainly great.

 I'm not interested in maid cafes or erotic maid videos.

 The maid outfits of these beautiful twins are so cute and so erotic...

「At least Maki will like it. The preemptive strike was a success.」

「Once I open the door, you will become a Maid in five seconds.」

「Well... You two alone have the power of destruction」

 What's more, both of them are pretty girls who don't look like idols around here.

 A small percentage of middle school boys wouldn't think anything of it.

「Aside from that, you really enjoyed Fuuka's panties today, didn't you?」

「Today too,, did you enjoy Yuzu-nee's breasts too much?」

"It's so embarrassing that the information was shared...."

 How much I fell in love with Yuzuki and Fuuka, and how they could synchronize with each other.

「Even if we don't speak directly, we can somehow understand」

「If you secretly love one of us, it will be found out?」

「So yeah, you guys live a hard life...」

 I don't know what my sister is doing with the guy she's dating.

 Normally, it would be in bad taste.

 As long as the other guy is the same person, it shouldn't be like that.

「Usually, I would be jealous......」

 Many men would be happy if they could love beautiful twin girls at once.

 But how would it feel to be favored by everyone?

「Well, if you touch anyone other than Fuuka, I'll kill you right away--no, I won't forgive you.」

「I won't get mad at you if you do something to Yuzu-nee, but if you mess with Yuzu-nee's friends, I'll kill you--I'll never forgive you.」


 They both said that they would kill me if I cheated on them.

In my current case, an ordinary person would definitely scare me and say, "I'll kill you!"

「I mean, does Fuuka know about Takaya...?」

「Takaya? um, who is she? ?」

「No, nothing」

 Fuuka seemed to know that she had seen Takaya changing clothes, and the two of them talked to each other after school, but was it just "somehow" conveyed to them?

 Yuzuki didn't seem to want to explain about the slapstick in her locker room either.

「Rather than that, these are Maid's clothes! Maki, you can do whatever you want to the two of us!」

"That's right, these are Maid's clothes. Let's continue the incident in the lunch you want to?"


I swallowed my saliva.

 How to put it, I'm very happy with the two of them wearing maid outfits.

 Yuzuki's miniskirt maid outfit, and Fuuka's cleavage-opening maid outfit-both are top-notch.

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