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[LN] Otokogirai na Bijin Shimai wo Namae mo Tsugezuni Tasuketara Ittaidounaru - Volume 1 - Chapter 1 - Part 1

[LN] Otokogirai na Bijin Shimai wo Namae mo Tsugezuni Tasuketara Ittaidounaru - Volume 1 - Chapter 1 - Part 1


Chapter 1 - The Only One Who Knows A Woman's Thoughts Is The Woman Herself. (Part 1)

It was the day after I rescued the Shinjo twin sisters and their mother.

The situation had become so bad that the police had to be sent to the scene, and rumors had spread regardless of the siblings' intentions.

"It's near your house, I'm sure."

"Are you okay?"

When I arrived at school, my friends were worried about me because the crime scene was near my house.

They were always fooling around, but their kindness in worrying about me when something like this happened really made me happy.

"I was surprised too, but luckily Shinjo-san and her mother are safe, so you don't have to worry..."

My friends nodded in agreement with my words.

The two I'm talking to now, I knew both of them when I first entered high school, but even though it's only been less than a year since we met, we're very close, as if we've spent years together.

"Alright, but thanks for worrying about me, Sota, Kaito"

"Heee, alright..."

"Isn't that obvious?"

Sota Miyanaga and Kaito Aoshima are two of my closest friends.

Sota was an otaku who loved to play cosplay games, and Kaito had a muscular body and a slightly mischievous look.

I was the one who approached them when we first met, and I'm so happy and touched that we've become such close friends.

"So, you know yesterday..."

"Oh yeah, and..."

While listening to my friends, I remembered yesterday and sighed.

"...... Phew."

Yesterday's events were indeed a time of anger.

Speaking of what happened afterwards, I had to restrain the man and ensure the safety of Shinjo-san and her mother, but when the police arrived, they were very surprised to see me in a pumpkin-covered state.

''...... Who between me and the criminal is suspicious?"

"Both of them?"

I felt like I wanted the robbers to be arrested quickly before we argued about such things, but I was sure I would have said the same thing if I had been in their shoes.

That's why my presence with the pumpkin on my head was so different from other people at the scene, and in a way it was a surreal image.

I may be a suspicious person, but I'm not a criminal. At first I was almost arrested by the police, but Shinjo-san protected me.

This person is our savior! He's not a bad guy at all!"

''...... No, but he's carrying a pumpkin.''

I thanked Shinjo-san for protecting me, and the police apologized for the original accusation against me.

It took a long time to be released from the police station, but the incident ended without any problems and I was able to return home.

By the way, even though I revealed my identity to the police, the three members of the Shinjo family didn't see my face, and I didn't know what kind of face I should make in such a case, and I also thought that they would probably remember this incident whenever they saw me in the neighborhood or at school.

"Tell me your name ......

"Who are you ......?"

The three of them extended their hands to me, not wanting to part with me, but I retreated, leaving the two of them behind.

Well, that's about it, the feelings these three people had for me seemed to be too much for me.

As a man, I wanted to look strong, and I didn't feel bad about depending on women who had such great beauty, but in the end I didn't tell them anything.

But the two of them still go to the same school as me, and I think they're very strong kids.

After what happened, I was hoping that the two of them would take some time off from school to calm her mind, but they both still came to school, which shows that she has a strong mind.

Well, it's none of my business anymore.

I didn't want to be a hero, but I don't think I did them any favors, and I didn't want anything in return.

I just helped them sincerely, and that was enough for me.

Despite this incident, the school day went on as usual, and before I knew it, it was lunch time.

"Let's go have lunch, then!"

"Oh, yeah, let's go."


While some students opened their lunch boxes, we walked to the cafeteria.

I didn't bring lunch from home because my father died when I was young, and my mother died of illness when I was in middle school, so I always ate lunch in the cafeteria.

"What are we going to eat?"

"What do you want to eat, Hayato?"

"I think I'll order the gingerbread set meal."

After ordering and waiting for a while, we clasped our hands in front of the prepared lunch.


Just as I was about to put the gingerbread main course in my mouth, there was a slight commotion in the cafeteria.

"Looks like the princesses are here, huh?"

"They're as popular as ever."

Hearing her words, I turned my attention to the entrance of the cafeteria, and there were the Shinjo sisters with their two friends.

Their extraordinary beauty and style alone had attracted the attention of many boys.

The two sisters were very beautiful and had a very good body shape, so they attracted a lot of attention from men.

"I think guys like us are too ugly to be approached by a princess like them."

"I don't want to be a part of it, let's watch from a distance."

No, you'll see her, I laughed.

But as my two friends said, I really thought they were both very beautiful.

(There is an aura that radiates even if you don't look at them closely, that's why they are so popular).

First of all, the older sister, Arisa, has long, jet-black hair that is braided at the sides and cold blue eyes that are described as cold beauty. She rarely laughs out loud, and it is said that you are very lucky to see her laugh.

Unlike her older sister, Aina has a very bubbly personality, and her appearance is also flamboyant and slightly feminine. She has light brown hair in a bob, is always expressive and smiling, and her red eyes contrast with her older sister's blue ones.

What they have in common is their toughness.

At the time when I decided to save the Shinjo family, I wasn't bothered by the incident, but I could still see their underwear, so the voluptuous bodies of Arisa and Aina and their mother were clearly imprinted in my mind.

"Should we be here?"


While I remembered the things that couldn't be said, the girls sat next to me.

As Sota and Kaito quietly shifted their trays to keep their distance, I guess these girls were really charming, just like I mentioned before.


I didn't look at them, but my eyes suddenly met those of the younger sister, Aina.

Bloody might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it was exciting enough to stare into her deep red eyes.


"No, it's okay."

Still, I felt relieved when I saw that Aina immediately looked away from me.

At the same time, I knew that she wasn't interested in someone like me, but at the same time, I felt a little disappointed.

The most famous and most beautiful sisters of the school were at my side, and since Sota and Kaito had their mouths shut, I could hear their conversation very well.

"But are you sure you're okay? At least you can take the day off."

"You really don't need to worry, I'm better than you think...I'm sure it's all thanks to the person who saved us."

"I see...well, she should have said his name."

Though my voice was a bit loud with a clattering sound, only my friends noticed.

"...... Huh"

In the midst of all this, I breathed a sigh of relief.

If it had happened a little slower, it would have been a disaster for the girls, and they would have been scarred in their hearts for the rest of their lives. But as long as the two of them could smile and talk like that, it seemed like there was nothing to worry about.

We finished our lunch in silence and left our seats.

"Thank you for the food."

"I'd like to change the subject. What did Hayato buy for his Halloween costume?"

"Laser sword and pumpkin head."

"...... it's not very artistic."

"Shut up!"

I'm not as stubborn about these things as Sota, and that's okay!

After all, I don't want to spend too much money on such things. ....... My grandfather sent me money to spend freely to a certain extent, but I don't want to be too extravagant.

I had already finished lunch and only had to go back to class, but I had to go to the bathroom for a while, so I sent the two of them back first.


I did my business with a voice that showed I was relieved that my dick wasn't holding water anymore and had already been expelled, washed my hands and walked out into the hallway where I saw someone I wasn't expecting.

"...... What!?"

"You all are d*cks... with all of you... Fuck... with all of you... ....'

There was Aina, humming a song in a happy mood while looking out of the window.

I wondered what she was doing in front of the bathroom, but since the women's bathroom was next to it, it was nothing out of the ordinary.

I probably shouldn't have looked at her so intently, but of course she noticed me and looked at me with her red eyes.

"Hello, it's a nice day, isn't it?"

"What? Oh, uh, ...... yes."

Indeed, it was a beautiful day with not a cloud in sight.


With a beautiful smile and a wave of her hand, she returned to the cafeteria.

I was stunned by the power of that beautiful, beautiful smile, but then I wondered what she was doing here.

She was attracted to me when our eyes met in the cafeteria. ...... Hmmm?

Could it be that she likes me? No, no, no, no.

Does she know I'm the guy in the pumpkin mask? No, no, no, that would never happen, I shook my head.

But ...... she's really pretty, with a girl like that as my girlfriend, I seem to be able to be happy every day, but I really don't think I have a chance.

While muttering such an obvious statement, I returned to the classroom where my friend was waiting for me.

"I'm back."

"Welcome back."

"Bye, did you poop?"

"No, no, I just peed."

By the way, I'm a healthy person who basically poops every morning. I'm a little proud of a lifestyle that some adults might envy.

"I've never seen siblings so close, but her aura is so bad!"

"It's her, that's why she keeps confessing."

The conversation between the two of us soon turned to the older siblings of the Shinjo family.

I had met them from time to time on the way to school, so I had gotten that far, but I had never gotten that close to them at school.

I was in a different class from them and we were never close.

"What about Hayato? What do you think of him?"

"Me? Well, she's pretty, and if those girls were my girlfriends or something, I'd have fun every day, right?"

"I love them, but I can only dream about them."

"Don't be sad, we can definitely get them if we try. ...... But I guess you two won't be able to, ahahaha".

Right, Kaito and I laughed and shook our shoulders.

"It's not just that she's beautiful, but she seems to be filled with something that fascinates others."

"Oh, I know!"

Yes, not only are they beautiful, but they are also filled with a charm that is hard to describe.

Not only are they beautiful, but they also have good personalities, and I think that's what makes a lot of people interested in them.

(...... But I've heard rumors that they hate men, but I'm not sure what's really going on)

I've heard that Arisa doesn't like men, according to one of her classmates. I don't know if it's true or false, but I guess it's true since she often admits it to me, and I can't help but wonder if yesterday's incident changed it from a vague rumor to the truth.

"Hey, take your seats - the lesson is about to start!"

Well, the lesson that can make you sleepy in the afternoon is about to start.

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