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[LN] Otokogirai na Bijin Shimai wo Namae mo Tsugezuni Tasuketara Ittaidounaru - Volume 1 - Chapter 1 - Part 3

[LN] Otokogirai na Bijin Shimai wo Namae mo Tsugezuni Tasuketara Ittaidounaru - Volume 1 - Chapter 1 - Part 3


Chapter 1 - The Only One Who Knows A Woman's Thoughts Is The Woman Herself. (Part 3)

It had been a few days since Aina and I became friends and called each other by our first names.

I had made eye contact with her a few times since then, but she never approached me when Arisa was around or when she had other friends, and vice versa.

"...... well, this is normal."

I muttered to myself and visited the reference room with a rather heavy cardboard box.

It was lunchtime, and as I was walking down the hallway on my way back from the bathroom, a teacher stopped me and asked me to leave the box in the reference room.

"I don't mind, it's just light work."

"I'll buy you some juice next time."

I nodded my head, not intending to ask the teacher to buy me a drink, but I nodded my head for now.

"Let's take a look, ......, is this the right place?"

I arrived at the reference room, which was originally a place that was rarely visited except for cleaning ......, so the equipment was scattered around the place.

I placed the box on the floor and exhaled as if my work was done.


Although I couldn't see the door because it was blocked by shelves and other things, I knew that someone had closed it.

I was afraid that I was locked in from the outside, but I could open the door from the inside even if it was locked from the outside, so it didn't matter.

"It's a little creepy in here, ......, because the lights aren't on."

I muttered to myself and quickly walked to the door.

"Who closed the door?"

"I did!"


The sudden loud voice startled me.

I was surprised because I thought the room was really haunted, but then I remembered and realized that the voice sounded familiar.

I turned around to see what was happening.

"Fufufu... naughty prank worked..."

"...... give me a break, I think my heart is going to jump out of my chest."

"Sorry, I was walking down the hall and found Hayato-kun holding a cardboard box because I was curious, so I ran and followed you"

"Then you don't have to follow me all the way here to talk to me."

"I'm sure that's one thing, but we never really got to know each other, did we? So I think it might cause problems for Hayato-kun if I talk to you in front of many people"

Ah, so that's the case.

Aina-san is a famous person at school, so people might spread strange rumors if she's with me, who she doesn't usually talk to, and I guess she thought about that.

"You know what? The most important thing to remember is that you can talk to me from a distance, eye-to-eye, and I can only wink at you, right?"

Saying that, Aina-san quickly closed the distance between us.

I had a long talk with Aina for the first time the other day, and if my second encounter with her was so decent, I was sure there was more to it than meets the eye.

 "We still have time for our lunch break, so why don't we talk?"

"That's fine..."

I couldn't say no to a pretty girl.

The two of us pulled out chairs and sat across from each other and talked, but there was nothing special about the conversation I had with her.

"Do you have any plans for Halloween, Hayato?"

"I'm planning to go to my friend's house and have a cosplay party."

"I love cosplay! I've never done it, so I really admire it."

"I see."

"I'm not sure. By the way, if I were to cosplay, what do you think would look good on me, Hayato-kun?"

"What? Ummm........."

When I heard that word, I suddenly thought of a witch with a lewd costume....I was sure that she wouldn't like it if I mentioned it, so I told her that I thought she might be good as a witch without mentioning the lewd part.

 "Witch, witch with bad magic... hey, that's the best!"

I was relieved that the answer was okay.

"What kind of cosplay do you do, Hayato?"

"Don't ask that ......."

"What? I want to hear it!"

She is childish in every reaction. ...... This is also a new discovery.

I told her that I wanted to imitate a character from a certain manga book.

(Because I can't say pumpkin head or laser sword here. ......)

It wasn't because I was afraid of getting caught or anything like that, but to avoid the slightest reminder of what had been a painful event for her.

"So what do you want?"

"Well, at least a game is coming out soon."

"Oh, I see, by the way, there's something I want too"

"Will you tell me?"

"Of course"

She smiled and told me what Aina-san wanted.

"Forgive me if I was a little unclear when I said I'd tell you, ....... It's not exactly the same, but there are similarities between my older sister and me."

"I see."

"Yes. That's because there's only one in this world, I love her too, and I thought of sharing her with you."

"I didn't know there was such a thing..."

I wonder what the one thing in this world is ...... but I don't think I'll find out what it is.

Aina-san's smile deepened and she continued.

"I'm the only one who found it, and she doesn't know it yet, I'm sure she will soon, but until then I'll keep it to myself."

"Heh, ...... I was listening to you and I thought, you two really get along, don't you?"

"Well, of course! Because she's the older sister who's been with me my whole life and she's always been there for me".

Aina's words showed her strong trust and affection for Arisa.

She seemed to speak with Arisa in mind, and her expression was always friendly, ...... and happy.

"Aina-san, do you like ...... your older sister..."

I was about to say, "You like her, don't you?

I was about to say that you like her when I saw something hanging in front of me, a spider with a thread hanging from the ceiling.


The sudden appearance of the spider made me jump backwards with a thud, but unlike me, Aina-san didn't panic at all, but instead gently extended her finger towards the spider.

"You're not scared?"

"I like spiders and stuff"

"You're a girl, but that's unusual for a girl. ......"

"Is that so? Does that mean you don't like it, Hayato-kun?"

"It's not that I don't like them, it's just that I don't like them."

Basically, I don't get along with many-legged creatures, so spiders don't suit me either.

If it's a small spider like the one Aina-san touched, I have no problem, but if it's a big spider like the ones I often see, I scream.

"In my opinion, spiders are smart, they create their own territory with threads and never let go of their prey once they enter their territory. Spiders wait until their prey is weakened and then eat it in an instant".

Aina looked at me as she carefully removed the spider from her finger.

"Sure, what you want with sweet temptations, then release the threads to encircle and entangle the prey. ...... Yeah, yeah, it's kind of cool to be compared to that, isn't it?"

"I doubt it."

"Hmm, then I'm the only one who thinks it's cool..."

Isn't it more scary than cool?

Aina-san, crossing her arms under her chest, suddenly continued to growl mmmm, probably frustrated that the spider story didn't catch my attention.

"Oh, then! Let's talk about our love life together!"

Aina-san smiled as she said that it was a good idea, but as for me, I had a bit of a sad past when it came to my own love life.

"I've never been with anyone. ...... is a completely uninteresting story!"

"You should change yourself."

"What about you, Hayato-kun?"

"I'm ......"

Actually, there was only one girl I dated for a while in junior high school, but it only lasted a few days.

But we ended up breaking up because we didn't feel the same way about each other.

"...... have you ever been on a date?"

"Yes, but we ...... broke up right away."

It might have been awkward if we went to the same high school or something, but luckily we went to different high schools, so I don't think we'll ...... meet again.


Aina withdrew her earlier smile and looked at me, but I saw a book about to fall off the shelf behind her.

By the time I thought it was impossible, the rather thick dictionary had already made a clattering sound and fallen over.

"Look out!"


I put my hand on Aina-san's shoulder and pulled her towards me.

Aina-san screamed in surprise, but she seemed to have guessed what was happening because the dictionary fell to the ground with a loud thud.

She kept looking at my face, and I was relieved to see that she didn't seem to be hurt in the slightest.

Compared to the knife the robber was holding, the dictionary's killing power was lukewarm, but even so, if it fell on her head, it could be dangerous, depending on where it hit.

 "Thank goodness."

Such a voice came out, partly out of relief.

Then Aina-san suddenly started shaking herself.

"...... I knew it, there's no doubt ...... it's that hand ...... ahahhha!"

I moved away from Aina-san, who suddenly started laughing.

Anyone would be surprised if a girl nearby suddenly started laughing out of context.

"I'm sorry, Hayato-kun who saved me is so cool that I'm laughing out loud with happiness."

I wasn't happy to be told that I was cool when she suddenly started laughing ...... and our lunch break was almost over, probably because I had been talking for quite a long time!

"Aina-san! Lunch break is over, I have to get back!"

"What? Oh, that's right! Let's go back, Hayato-kun!"

We chatted more than I expected, but I enjoyed chatting with Aina-san.

Since the lunch break was coming to an end, there weren't many other students around, and no one noticed that Aina and I were hurrying down the hall together.

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