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[LN] Tomodachi no Oneesan to inkya ga Koi wo Suruto Dounarunoka? - Chapter 2 - Part 1

[LN] Tomodachi no Oneesan to inkya ga Koi wo Suruto Dounarunoka? - Chapter 2 - Part 1


Chapter 2 - (Part 1)

-One week after the "incident" that became a turning point in his life.

For a very long time

"With a younger man whom I have loved for a long time."

Nineteen-year-old Sakuya Nanjo, who is finally dating, has a problem.

"(Reiji and I are really together, right?)"

In a corner of the newly established cafe on the university campus, Sakuya kissed him lips lightly.

"There were a lot of students in the cafe."

Of course, there were some male students, and many of them saw the beautiful Sakuya just by being there.

Miss University events have become less popular in recent years as SNS has become more commonplace.

This event, which has been postponed for several years at Sakuya's university, is currently under review.

However, the desire, curiosity, and love of the male students is almost eternal.

Therefore, Miss University is still being held quietly, with highly capable volunteers at its core.

Of course, Sakuya Nanjo was unaware of its existence.

After all, she was a pervert who was only interested in heterosexual relationships with him younger brother's friends.

However, some female students, who saw Sakuya as a rival who also noticed the eyes of male students her age, found out about the so-called "Ura Miss University" and somehow got rid of her. Despite her desperation, Sakuya continued to work her way into the top three.

As a result, her presence continues to draw attention to the university.

And Sakuya seems to have misunderstood the size of her eyes.

She was also aware that the people around her were gossiping about her for a reason.

It wasn't that she couldn't read the atmosphere, so she didn't notice it.

However, his field of vision was so narrow that she didn't realize that it was "on a university-wide scale."

She thought it was just a rumor, so much so that she thought she had a lot of love experiences.

In fact, a beautiful girl told her at a seminar meeting.

"Nanjo-san, you've probably dated a lot of guys, right? Why are you free now?"

"I don't really understand whether that's flattering, humiliating, or sarcastic."

"Uh, what do you think...?"

Sakuya didn't remember much of what happened after that.

"Actually, Sakuya has no experience with men."

She had never dated a single man or been on good terms with a single man.

The relationship with him boyfriend Reiji was the first time in her life.

I want to experience everything with Reiji from now on.

- Of course, she knows a lot in his head.

Surely, she had often fantasized that such a relationship would be a happy and enjoyable one.

However, she had no idea that the world filter would be turned upside down and that she would feel so fresh that she would have to learn everything she had felt so far from scratch.

For some reason, my whole body has been beating against Reiji since we started dating.

"I'll be 20 next year."

"Even though you're already an adult."

--Nineteen-year-old Nanjo Sakuya, who was finally able to date Reiji, had a problem.

"I was too excited and too happy and didn't know what to do."

"Still, I can't tell the difference between before and after the date."

"When I'm at home, it's the same as before..."

"Can you say that you're really dating?"

"(What am I doing, this doesn't look like a high school student...)"

Sakuya, who came home early from college, was waiting for Reiji in the hallway of her house.

She was hiding behind a big piece of cardboard.

Thinking that what she was doing was like an elementary school child, she made this decision after careful consideration.

"(This will surprise Reiji and make him react!)"

When Sakuya smelled the distinctive smell of the cardboard workshop, she remembered.

She was picked up by Reiji, who suddenly appeared, saved her, and let her escape.

After that, she couldn't stand it anymore and confessed himself.

And he accepted it.

"Reiji was really cool back then..."

Sakuya sighed happily because she could do that since that moment a week ago.

"The two of them are in love now."

"It's a special relationship where they confirm their feelings for each other."

"I knew it."

But then again, Sakuya, sitting in the gym and in a cardboard box, wondered what it would be like to date.

"I really don't know what to do."

"But I don't want people to know that I'm still a freshman."

She is his older sister.

Her role was to hold Reiji's hand and guide him to the right path of love.

That's why we communicate more often like this...!

Ding-dong, the doorbell rang.

Sakuya immediately looked at her cell phone.

She thought she would get a message from Reiji on him way home.

But she didn't get any calls.

"Maybe Reiji is behind the door."

The sound of a key turning with a jingle.

"Could it be Ayato?"

"Maybe Reiji is with Ayato?" ?

In Sakuya's strategy, Reiji, who came alone, should have used his cell phone to inform him of the whereabouts of the key she had hidden in the mailbox earlier, and told him to enter the house.

A person emerged from the entrance, taking off his shoes and walking down the hallway.

"It turned out he was alone."

Unexpectedly, Sakuya found himself trapped inside a cardboard box.

Unable to do anything about it, the lid of the box opened above her head.

"What are you doing...? Sakuya-san."

"Huh!? Reiji!? Wait...! What, what!?"

And then I unconsciously shouted while sitting in the gym.

"Why are you even in a cardboard box!?

"What are you doing, Sakuya-san? Come in here."

"Hey, why are you closing the lid?

"No, I think I put myself in Sakuya's mind..."

"The inside of this box is cramped."

Reiji leaned towards her, of course.

"Ah..., ah...!"

"Sakuya can't escape..."

"I never thought this would happen."

"I didn't think Reiji would come here...!"

If that was true, I planned to stand in front of Reiji, who was suspicious of the box, and scare him to prevent his embarrassment.

"It's warm enough inside..."

Reiji said something nonsensical and dipped his body further into the box.

"Close...!!! Close, close!!!"

Reiji's breath suddenly touched Sakuya, and Sakuya unconsciously went su-ha-su-ha!

"No, no!"

"At this rate, he'll get involved in her older sister's business."

"Hmm~...... !!"

In an instant, Sakuya stretched her folded legs forward at full strength.


The cardboard shattered.

The cardboard suddenly split open, releasing Sakuya and Reiji.


Reiji was surprised by the sudden turn of events.

At that moment, Sakuya stood up and said, "Even if you say you're going out, it's still too soon!"

She slapped Reiji's head.

"Uh... can't we go into that box together?"

"Uh, n-not that..., baka!"

Sakuya turned her back to Reiji so he couldn't see her flushed cheeks.

"You have to get rid of the cardboard, right?"

Sakuya left Reiji groaning and went into the living room.

"If you do that to me, it won't help."

She wanted to express him affection for Reiji with all him might.

"If you suddenly approach me like that."

"Although I was able to confess in a dramatic scene a week ago,

"Can I go out with you?"

Even though

"Like! Really like! "I love you, Reiji!"

Sakuya, who couldn't say it.

Not only could she not express it in words, but she was also embarrassed to show it.

"Um... Sakuya-san."

"What, what...?"

As if nothing had happened, I turned around to see Reiji standing at the entrance of the living room.

"I bought Sakuya-san's favorite apple pie at the train station."


I love you...! I somehow suppressed the feeling that made me want to scream.

"Ummm, y-yes. Is it really okay? Then I'll clear the table."

"But I can say that." She was really grateful to Reiji (*couldn't say it).

"I must have felt a little affection for her by now."

"That's how it is."

After that, Sakuya stole a glance at her younger brother Ayato when he returned and established further communication.

Today, she even bought Reiji's favorite item.

"(I thought we would get along well in a place like this...!)"

Sakuya thought and prepared Reiji's favorite sushi from the supermarket.

"She likes this." With wasabi mashimashi, of course.


However, Reiji, who couldn't spit out his favorite salmon, swallowed it while shedding tears.

"How much wasabi is this!"

"A boy cried because he was angry.

"How can I eat wasabi!?"

Sakuya was still mesmerized by Reiji's teary eyes.

When Reiji accepted her strong feelings, a sweet taste ran through her brain.

"This is not an addiction anymore."

Add to that the fact that you are one step closer to him and the excitement doesn't stop.

-Midnight. He said he wanted to take a bath, so Sakuya prepared the bath water he had prepared.

"Wait, Sakuya-san! Your swimsuit is melting!?"

As expected, Reiji panicked.

Sakuya entered the bathroom where Reiji was and threw slime into the bathtub.

"I think it's safe for what Sakuya has prepared,

"Slime bath water... Is there such a thing..."

Reiji said something carefree, but Sakuya's next words made him panic.

"Reiji is naked, so it's okay, but that slime will melt your clothes."

"In that case, don't even try to get in! This isn't a normal swimsuit, Sakuya-san!"

"Because Reiji, can you not look at me?"

"That's right, but!!! Ah, no, you can't just crouch down!"

Then Reiji shouted, "Your swimsuit will melt!?"

The result, of course, was that the swimsuit didn't melt, but Reiji, who thought the swimsuit had melted, closed his eyes and never tried to look at Sakuya in the swimsuit.

A good reaction. After all, Reiji was good.

The communication is better than expected.

Besides, I realized that if I took the initiative, it would be less compared to using cardboard.

"Of course, my heart was racing and my opponent was naked."

She was wearing a bathing suit, so she would probably get excited. "From then on, Sakuya's brutality continued."

When it was time for bed, she hid under the bed in her younger brother Ayato's room and waited until they were both asleep.

Sakuya successfully attacked Reiji in a version similar to the "Onotoko under the bed" version, with the room's occupants unable to escape.

 Leaving a tearful Reiji behind, Sakuya happily returned to her room and crawled into her bed.

And she fell asleep, satisfied that her wish had been fulfilled.

"Is this the end?"

Sakuya raised her torso vigorously.

"So it's the same as always!? Did I do something wrong!?"

Sakuya remembered what she had done wrong.

She should have worked harder than usual...!

"Isn't that a lie...?"

Far from being the same as before we started dating, I noticed that even the amount of time we spent in contact was subtly decreasing.

"I don't feel like that kind of girlfriend...?"

"No...maybe I'm too impatient."

"It's only been a week since we started dating."

"Yes, it's only been a week."

Before that, he had been in a relationship with her younger brother's friend and her friend's older sister for more than ten years. "It's strange that something would change right away."

"I'm sure after a month or so, we'll be a loving couple."

First of all, Reiji was still visiting this house as a friend of his younger brother.

He's not here to see me.

From now on, Reiji will definitely come to this house to see me.

"As expected, you're too impatient."

-And then a month passed.

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