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 Case Study on Auto Insurance

Case Study on Auto Insurance

  Case Study on Auto Insurance

Advocates suggest surfing online, contacting insurance agents or working with references ought to provide all answers and a panacea to all problems related to auto insurance. The plethora of information available is so mind-boggling, besides, certain terminology is not of current usage or in layman's terms proves to be cumbersome to be read and comprehended.

Online sites does offer an option of frequently asked questions along with the answers to take care of most often asked common queries. Yet at times, even the answers provided do not suffice to throw light with clarity on the subject matter. Hence, I endeavor to simplify the common doubts that arise on reading about auto insurance coverage details, options, and clauses.

Umbrella policy as the name suggests extra cover on your auto insurance policy and homeowner's insurance policy, to cover all those aspects, which do not fall within the purview of the insurance cover offered individually by the respective policies. Auto insurance expenses are high and yet at times the cover offered falls short of the actual damages. In these circumstances it pays to take an umbrella cover, which by paying a one-time premium ranging from $200 to $300 takes care of the extra coverage and all your damages in case of an accident. The insured amount can be high as one million to five millions of dollars.

Acting like a safety net, this cover gives you much needed peace of mind in these days of stress.

Comprehensive cover and collision cover as the very words suggest literally - provide protection accordingly. In case of comprehensive insurance, the cover would deem to include damage arising out of naturally occurring disasters - example fire, hail, storm, etc. Whereas collision cover would deem to mean cover for damages arising out of collision - to be precise an accident cover only. Most lenders and banks mandate the purchase of both comprehensive and collision cover which may vary from state to state. To illustrate Katrina would affect one particular state more than the others.

Most states do not allow the addition of teenagers who have a drivers permit to the insurance policy cover.

Exception to this would be, if an insured driver accompanies them. In this case, they would be automatically covered under the insured driver's policy. On receiving their licence though, teenagers are required to obtain their own insurance cover.

Out-of-state tickets received will show up on your DMV records if that particular state happens to fall within the purview of the Driver's Licence agreement (DLA). Therefore, the insurance company would have access to all your DMV records from all those states that are a part of the DLA.

When purchasing a new car on borrowed money it makes sense to go in for gap insurance. In the event of an accident to your new car where it is damaged fully, the insurance cover would stretch up to a maximum to include the total outstanding dues of the borrowed money. That means over and above the insured amount, in case there is outstanding dues left to be paid off on the auto finance, gap insurance would take care of the difference.

Remember, look out for the type of insurance that fits you. Compare quotes online and locally then make your most important decision on what kind of insurance you would buy.

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