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Dental Insurance In The Usa: Access To Oral Healthcare

Dental Insurance In The Usa: Access To Oral Healthcare

 Dental Insurance In The Usa: Access To Oral Healthcare - Follow Meredith Free @meredith_fred on Twitter , Nancy Ochieng , Nolan Sroczynski , Anthony Damico and Krutika Amin @KrutikaAmin on Twitter

Dental benefits are generally not covered by Medicare except in limited circumstances, and many people on Medicare do not have dental coverage at all. Some Medicare beneficiaries have access to dental coverage through other sources, such as Medicare Advantage plans, but the range of dental benefits, when covered, varies widely and is often very limited, which can result in high out-of-pocket costs among those with serious dental needs or unmet needs.

Dental Insurance In The Usa: Access To Oral Healthcare

Policymakers are now considering options to make dental care more affordable by expanding dental coverage for people on Medicare. President Biden's 2022 budget request includes "improving access to Medicare dental, hearing and vision coverage" under the president's health care program. Senate Democrats recently announced a deal that would include Medicare expansions, including dental, vision and hearing, as part of a budget reconciliation package, though details of the deal have not yet been released. In 2019, the House of Representatives passed the Ilyas E. Act. Cummings passed the Drug Cost Reduction Act (HR3), which would add a dental benefit to Medicare Part B, along with vision and hearing benefits, in addition to provisions to reduce prescription drug costs. . Earlier this year, Representative Doggett, joined by 76 members of the House of Representatives, introduced the Dental, Vision, and Hearing Benefits Act (HR 4311), which would include these benefits under Medicare Part B.

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In light of these policy debates, this brief provides new information on the share of Medicare beneficiaries with dental coverage, the share of dental visits in the past 12 months, and out-of-pocket costs for dental care. It also takes a closer look at the range of dental benefits offered to Medicare Advantage enrollees in individual plans in 2021. We focus on Medicare Preferred plans because they have become the leading source of dental coverage among Medicare beneficiaries. Our analysis draws from multiple data sets, including the Survey of Current Medicare Beneficiaries for data on dental visits and out-of-pocket dental costs and Medicare Advantage enrollment and benefit files for data on individual Medicare Advantage plans. To provide a more detailed picture of the dental benefits available in these data sets, we examine the dental coverage provided by 10 geographically dispersed Medicare Advantage plans from different insurers with relatively high enrollments that offer dental benefits (for see Methodology and Appendix for more information). .

About 24 million people, or nearly half of all Medicare beneficiaries (47%), did not have any type of dental coverage in 2019 (Figure 1).

The remaining Medicare beneficiaries have access to dental coverage through Medicare Advantage plans, Medicaid, and private plans, including employer-sponsored plans and individually purchased plans.

In 2019, 29% of all Medicare beneficiaries had access to some dental coverage through Medicare Advantage plans (including 3% of beneficiaries also eligible for Medicaid who had access to dental coverage through a Medicare Advantage plan). Another 16% are covered through private plans. About 11% of Medicare beneficiaries had access to dental coverage through Medicaid (including those mentioned above who are covered through Medicare Advantage plans). As Medicare Advantage enrollment increases, a growing share of Medicare beneficiaries have access to some dental coverage through a Medicare Advantage plan, so the share of all Medicare beneficiaries with some dental coverage in 2021 is likely to be higher.

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A preliminary analysis of the 2016 Medicare Current Beneficiaries Survey (MCBS) and other data sources found that nearly two-thirds of people on Medicare (65%) did not have dental coverage that year. However, due to a data collection and processing issue later identified by CMS, the estimates for private dental coverage derived from the MCBS were lower than they should have been by an unknown amount. CMS resolved this issue in 2017. Because of these and other methodological changes in our analysis, as explained in Methodology, the estimate of the number of people on Medicare with dental insurance cannot be trended using our 2016 estimate.

Lack of dental care can exacerbate chronic medical conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, delay the diagnosis of serious medical conditions, and lead to preventable complications that sometimes lead to costly emergency room visits.1 Limited or no coverage dental and cost concerns contribute. to Medicare beneficiaries for routine and other dental procedures listed above.

In 2018, half of Medicare beneficiaries had no dental visits (47%)—with even higher rates among those who are black or Hispanic (68% and 61%, respectively) (Figure 2).

Dental Insurance In The Usa: Access To Oral Healthcare

When we looked by race and gender, we found that a higher proportion of black and Hispanic women (64% and 59%, respectively) than white women (40%) had gone without visiting the dentist in the past year. A similar pattern exists among men: a higher proportion of black men (74%) and Hispanic men (64%) than white men (44%) went without a dental visit.

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Low-income beneficiaries are less likely than high-income beneficiaries to report a dental visit in the past year. About three-quarters (73%) of Medicare beneficiaries with incomes below $10,000 per year did not see a dentist, compared to 25% of beneficiaries with incomes above $40,000.

Health status was also associated with dental care. Almost two-thirds (63%) of all self-assessed beneficiaries had a dental visit in the past year, with 41% of beneficiaries in excellent, very good or good condition.

These relatively low rates of dental use are not attributable to a decrease in use due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as they are based on data from 2018, the most recent year available before the pandemic.

Most beneficiaries who received dental services in 2018 (88%) paid for their care out of pocket. Across all beneficiaries, the average cost of dental care in 2018 was $454, although this includes a large number of beneficiaries who had no dental care that year. About half of all Medicare beneficiaries who used any dental services had an average out-of-pocket cost of $874 for dental care in 2018. care, including one in ten who spent more than $2,000 (Figure 3).

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Medicare Advantage plans may offer additional ("extra") benefits not covered under traditional Medicare, such as dental, vision, hearing, and fitness benefits. The cost of these benefits can be covered using discount dollars. Plans may also charge additional premiums for such benefits. In 2021, 94% of Medicare Advantage participants in individual plans will have access to some dental coverage. The majority (86%) of these Medicare Advantage enrollees have access to a comprehensive coverage plan, while 14% have access to only preventive coverage. Preventative dental coverage under Medicare Advantage plans usually includes oral exams, cleanings, dental X-rays, and sometimes fluoride treatments. Broader benefits include a range of services, including restorative services (eg, fillings), endodontics (eg, root canals), periodontics (eg, scaling and root planing), prosthodontics (eg, dentures, dental implants), and oral surgery. .

Almost all Medicare Advantage enrollees in plans that offer access to dental benefits (including if they have to pay premiums for those benefits), access to preventive services, including oral exams (100%), cleanings (100%) and x - x-rays (99%), although fewer enrollees have access to fluoride treatment (59%).

Service Limitations. Medicare Advantage plans typically limit the frequency of receiving certain covered services for a certain period of time. For example, nearly all enrollees (88%) are in plans that limit the number of cleanings, with the most common limit being twice a year. For other services, such as X-rays, frequency limits vary widely across plans. For example, 36% of enrollees are in plans that limit the number of x-rays to a specific time period, with the most common limit being once a year.

Dental Insurance In The Usa: Access To Oral Healthcare

Comprehensive services (except preventive). Among enrollees in plans that offer access to more extensive services, the types of services covered vary by plan: 96% of enrollees are in plans that offer restorative services, such as refills; 83% are on plans that include mining; 76% are on plans that include periodontics and/or prosthetics; 64% are in plans that include endodontics, such as root canals; and 60% are in plans that include diagnostic services and/or nonessential services. However, we did not examine frequency limits for broader services because these categories of services cover different treatments and it is not always clear what an individual plan covers in each of these categories of services.

Ppo Vs. Premier Dental Coverage

As part of the prosthetic services category, some beneficiaries may have access to dental coverage, a service that is commonly needed among older adults. As of 2018, about 14% of adults 65 and older are edentulous, meaning they have no natural teeth. We were unable to determine the specifics of dental coverage based on our analysis of national data, so we took a closer look at ten illustrative plans. Five of the ten plans specified that they cover dentures (partially and fully), and each of these plans limited dentures to 1 set per 5 years (Appendix Table 1). Among these five

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