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Do You Need A Degree To Be An Insurance Agent

Do You Need A Degree To Be An Insurance Agent

 Do You Need A Degree To Be An Insurance Agent - Going to college may be an easy decision for your parents. Twenty years ago, career paths were more straightforward, and a bachelor's degree was almost guaranteed to mark you as the cream of the crop. Not only that, but when a year of college costs less than a new iMac, it's easier to pay for it if you only have savings or a part-time job. In such a world, why not go to college?

Bachelor's degrees are still respected, but the market is also flooded. This means that they are not the "in" proof they once were. At the same time, prices have risen dramatically and today's school year has nearly five iMacs. And that's not even counting books and house bills.

Do You Need A Degree To Be An Insurance Agent

Do You Need A Degree To Be An Insurance Agent

Before you take out a $30,000 loan for something you may not need, ask yourself the tough question: do you need a college degree for the job you want?

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Type: entry-hyperlink id: IKKV7YIPvxntqHdLd2tXfIf you want to go into law, engineering, medicine, or other professional fields, there is no question. You 100% need a degree. Stop questioning your decision, and move on to finding the best (and cheapest) way to get it.

What if you are thinking of working as a missionary, welder, graphic designer, or one of the other professions that may not require a college education? You may be able to benefit more from obtaining a specialized certificate that is specific to your chosen profession, allowing you to start working quickly and with a small investment.

Obviously, deciding whether to go to school or not will not be as easy as this graph explains, and there is often no clear "right" or "wrong" choice. But we simplified this graph for a reason. When it comes to deciding if college is for you, you only need to answer three important questions that we will discuss later in this post. Everything else will be organized based on your answers to them.

The benefits of getting a college degree are many. For example, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported that the average college graduate earns $78,000 a year, up from an average of $45,000. per year for people with only a high school diploma. Other benefits include the following:

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College graduates have greater access to employer-provided benefits, paid time off, and employer-sponsored retirement savings plans, such as 401 (k ) contribution matching. The Association of Public Land-Grant Universities reports that bachelor's degree holders are 47% more likely to have health insurance through their jobs than those with only a diploma in the high school.

While going to college has many positives, you must also weigh the negatives. For example, mortgage payments have increased more than 25% in the last 10 years. Other disadvantages include:

Making the decision to go to college requires thought and thought. Here are some important questions to ask yourself before you go.

Do You Need A Degree To Be An Insurance Agent

Going to college means making a significant investment in your future. No matter how you cut it, you will spend less time, money, effort, and focus to get an education.

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Would you like to be a publisher, airline pilot, businessman, electrician, or athlete? None of these jobs require a bachelor's degree. Some require an associate degree. Some require non-college education. Some are just on-the-job training.

Every job requires a different kind of preparation. So figure out what career you're aiming for first and don't bother wasting time and money on education that won't work for you. Choose the workout that's right for you.

The average national student debt is nearly $30,000. Among student loan borrowers, 20% say their loans have delayed their ability to get married, 30% say their loans it prevented them from starting a family, and 50% said they couldn't afford to buy a home because of their student loans.

Life is much bigger than college or your career. And if you decide early on to go to college with loans, you may regret that decision in 20 years when you realize that those loans are preventing you from living the life you set out to. college is built in the first place.

To Degree Or Not To Degree

It's a rare day when a student pays the right amount for their education. Usually, if you're not smart, you'll end up wasting a lot more. But if you are smart, you can spend a lot less. We should know - that's what we always do! Using a variety of methods, such as low-cost capital gains and in-depth benchmarking, Pearson Accelerated Pathways admissions counselors help students cut their degrees to half and graduate with no debt.

So, before committing to a loan or giving up on college altogether, take the time to really research your options and do what you can to reduce your costs. (And maybe find out if you're a candidate for Accelerated Pathways.)

Think about it: you're signing up to spend the next four years (at least) in the classroom. If it sounds like hell,  don't do it.

Do You Need A Degree To Be An Insurance Agent

Not only will you torture yourself, but it's likely that your displeasure with what you're doing will make your performance difficult. Your own life will be miserable, and you may end up leaving - which means giving up a lot of time and money.

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If you hate school, but are willing to make the sacrifices to get the job you want, then more power to you! But in most cases, if formal education isn't for you, the following jobs aren't. If you are not interested in formal education, we suggest that you reconsider your career choice—perhaps doing volunteer work, or talking to professionals in the field—to make sure that the choice is for you. before entering college.

Whether you should go to college or not depends entirely on what you want to do and how best to prepare for that future. But what if you don't know what you want to do? If you are still trying to decide a career path, consider these steps:

Start getting work experience in a job that doesn't require a degree. You will both get a head start on your resume and a good view of the real world (outside of school).

Find an internship or volunteer in a field that interests you. You can learn about that field and get experience for your resume too!

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If you're leaning toward college, there's no harm in starting now—as long as you don't cut yourself off from the world or go into debt to pay for it. Try taking affordable courses that you know will transfer to your chosen degree to find out what subjects you want to pursue further.

Find someone who works in a job you think you might like and start a conversation! Ask what they like and what they don't like about their jobs, and listen to their own opinions on what it takes to "get it done."

Sometimes it pays to talk to someone who has seen a lot of the world, even if they don't work in your chosen field. They may have the perspective you need to develop a smart plan for moving forward. (Your parents are a great option for this; however, they may be too emotional about your decisions to give you the clarity you need. Also, consider talking to a close parent friend, counselor special, or a religious leader.)

Do You Need A Degree To Be An Insurance Agent

Or consider working with a career counselor. Career counselors are an important resource for individuals who are still trying to sort out their career and career goals. You can also take a free job search. Career tests include a variety of questions designed around your interests and personality, which are used to match you with career options.

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You don't need to be enrolled in college to learn. Find online resources like Khan Academy, Lynda, Codecademy, Udemy, or others, and get started! Use this time to consider what career and lifestyle you want, as well as the best way to achieve it.

Try to pick at least two ideas from this list and pursue them together. For example, if you are considering becoming a veterinarian, volunteer at a local veterinarian's office while you pursue a flexible, affordable education.

I know that one blog post is not enough to help you make a big decision. No amount of reading other people's opinions for and against the college will really help you make this decision. Hope this helps you get started.

The good thing is, as long as you take the time to think about your choices and start expanding your experiences in life, you'll be headed in the right direction. Just think carefully and make the best decision you can with the information you have.

Do You Really Need A Degree To Be Successful?

If you want more help figuring out your college path, be sure to check out some of our other posts!

A former student counselor and Accelerated Pathways student, Abigail is now a writer and Accelerated Pathways Content Manger who is passionate about empowering others to achieve their goals. When she's not busy at work, you can find her reading, baking cookies, or singing Broadway songs. Loud. Before I get to this, I don't want your comments if you want to fight me on this. Life is short and I don't mind having that conversation. Go find a blog post or your free Facebook group to rant about why I'm so crazy about something else.

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Do You Need A Degree To Be An Insurance Agent

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