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[LN] Ore no Imouto ga Saikou no Okazu datta - Volume 1 - Chapter 5 - Part 1

 Chapter 5 - It's My Problem As A Man That I Can Only Cum With My Little Sister (Part 1)

 Sitting on a chair at school, alone. During the short break between classes that didn't change classes, I didn't talk to anyone and I was in a daze. Even during the short break, I had some trivial conversational exchanges with Takanami and Suzuhara, but right now I didn't even do that.

 Since I couldn't get rid of her in eroge, most of my lost sexual desire was due to my little sister, Miyu. But still, I shouldn't stop being aroused by other girls. It's nice to be immersed in masturbation using pictures of beautiful girls and aphrodisiac sounds, and the pleasure of masturbation doesn't fade. It's just that the switch that leads to ejaculation doesn't turn on. That's the problem.

 Even so, now, I can't even get an erection in anyone other than Miyu anymore. After all, it might not be good if Miyu helped me shake again. The disease called siscon progresses at a very fast pace.

「Sotomichi-kun. I'm also confused today」

 And then another strange phenomenon happened. Yamamoto-san, a neat and clean girl with big breasts, started talking to me. With her hands behind her back, Yamamoto-san leaned forward and her breasts were clearly visible on her blouse due to gravity.

「Why, are you in trouble?」

「That is, what is it. There are many things」

 I should be happy that someone asked to talk to me, but the conversation ended up being short. Partly because I didn't want to be bothered by people for talking to a popular person, but I, who should have gotten used to women because of Miyu, still had trouble communicating. No matter what, it was a problem that I couldn't tell anyone about.

「What happened to you Yamamoto-san?」

「Nothing, but can I talk to you?」

 I have to get out of here, but this is funny. There was no point of contact. It was the day shift where we spoke directly for the first time. There was no reason to be suspicious.

「Suzuhara has been glaring at me with annoyed eyes for a while. It's hard to say it honestly」

Why is a guy like Suzuhara like that? Even if I didn't have a younger sister, I wouldn't have expressed my hostility to that extent. Although Suzuhara herself said that Yamamoto-san would speak well to anyone.

「ah. Suzuhara-kun? He's probably in grief right now, so please forgive me」

「What has happened to Suzuhara?」

「When Suzuhara-kun wants to talk, listen to her. More than that, Sotomichi-kun isn't doing any club activities or anything. What are you going to do after school」

「e......? Oh no......」

 I shake every day after school and my little sister will drink my semen. I can't tell her like that.

「When I come home, besides doing homework, maybe I'll play games or watch videos.」

「Huh. In that case, after this school are you free?」

 Although Yamamoto-san made a satisfied face, she had a frightening look in her eyes for just a moment, as if she was watching me closely behind the scenes. I wonder if I'm being misunderstood. As expected, he doesn't know about my relationship with Miyu.

「Um, after all this, what do you want to talk about?」

「I told you, I just want to talk to Sotomichi-kun. See you soon」

 Yamamoto-san winked and ran away. Her figure walked with a pleated skirt swaying from her tight waist exactly like the image of a schoolgirl. "Bye" Well, I hope there will be another chance to talk like this next time. If that hope eventually turns into love, I wonder if I will become like Suzuhara.

I could talk to a cute girl, and my little sister and I had a naughty relationship. I came home from school on a different road than usual.


 My arms were suddenly crossed from behind and I almost jumped, but since I was held tightly like a vise, I couldn't even pull my hands from the grip of the intruder's arms.

「Ahtt, Yamamoto-san!?」

 My arms were held by an elastic force that could be clearly felt even when I was fully clothed, and with a confused head, I twisted my body to somehow get away from Yamamoto-san. I wasn't far from the school yet, so other students might be able to see me. Physical contact with Yamamoto-san, the school idol, I can be hated even if it's not Suzuhara.

「No problem. I'm sensitive to where and who is looking. That's easy.」

 Yamamoto-san is too optimistic. Does she have some kind of special sense organ?

「Why does Sotomichi-kun always react like that? Even though the others really like it when they get this way.」」

 Yamamoto-san poked my cheek with her fingertip.

 My close face has a high body temperature. She smells sweet. Everything about her body is very erotic.

「On the other hand, Yamamoto-san, why do you care about me? Are you doing this for everyone?」

「Hmmm. Because Sotomichi-kun is my first type. I'm curious」

「First time? Me? There are many men like me in this world?」

 Considering Yamamoto-san's caste level, I can understand that lowly people like me are rare. But that's only because I don't have many opportunities to get in touch with them easily.

「Then let's check」

  Yamamoto-san turned to my side, and with her chest still pressed against my arm, she looked at my face with those wide-eyed eyes. What is she going to confirm?

「Sotomichi-kun, if you listen to me......」

 Yamamoto-san's breath blows into my ear from such a close distance that her lips almost touch my earlobe. "It feels good, doesn't it?", I feel like I'm about to fall with my trembling knees crawling up. My body reacted with a jolt, and my face grew hot from my embarrassment.

「Hmm...Yamamoto-san, outside like this...I don't know who will see us... Phew, ah.........」

「Look, that's a normal reaction. If you think you can still endure it... Hum, chu...Let me serve you a little more... Huahh, ah... chuu......」

「ahttt, uhhhh......!」

 Yamamoto-san's tongue traced my earlobe and approached the center in a spiral. My ear is wrapped in warm mucus, and it seems like I'm going to ejaculate with just that.

「Huahhhh.. amu... chu... juru... chupa... nn. Ufufu. Sotomichi-kun you're so amazing」

 For some reason, Yamamoto-san, who was supposed to be teasing me, had her face flushed and her eyes shining.

「I really don't know what you're talking about. ......」

 There's no way a guy wouldn't be happy to be hugged by such a beautiful girl and lick her ear. I think my reaction just now was a bit pathetic because I couldn't stand her voice. What's so amazing?

「Another boy's crotch swells when I hug him like this.」

 Yamamoto-san strangely poked my crotch with her fingertips. There was only a shrunken dick hanging there.

「Ah ─ ─ that...tsu!!!」

 I didn't get an erection. Yamamoto-san already did all this. Since this morning, I always thought that I would have a bad erection towards a girl other than Miyu, but I didn't think that it would happen with Yamamoto-san, I wouldn't be that stupid.

「No! Yamamoto-san is very attractive, but uh... this time, you were too aggressive, and I'm going home first! I'm so sorry!!!」

「Eh, wait...!」

 Feeling sorry towards Yamamoto-san and fearing that I would never be able to get an erection without my little sister again, I clenched my fists and started running. Yamamoto-san was about to say something behind me, but I was so confused that I couldn't even hear her voice, so I hurried home.

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